
Wind Energy: Proger confirmed as Vestas technical advisor in Italy

Partnership continues with the world's leading wind turbine manufacturer to design an additional 200 MW to be installed in Italy

The global wind energy giant Vestas has chosen to continue to rely on the services of Proger as its primary technical-permitting interface within the Italian territory and legislation for the construction of new wind farms in Italy.

The agreement covers the provision of a wide range of environmental permitting and engineering services for the final design of wind farms and related connection works to the national grid for approximately 200 MW, adding to the already successfully designed projects from 2022.

Rocco Marsico, Director of the Green Energy Business Unit: “In a period of renewed enthusiasm for large-scale grid connection, the renewed trust of Vestas, the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer, is a matter of pride for us and a confirmation of a proven and successful partnership. Similar endorsements represent an opportunity for professional growth and allow us to look at foreign markets with confidence and enthusiasm”.