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Infrastructure and innovation: the importance of BIM in the design and maintenance of works

/ President Sgambati's speech at Abruzzo Economy Summit

President Umberto Sgambati spoke at the “Infrastructure and Innovation” round table on the first working day of the fourth edition [...]
Infrastructure and innovation: the importance of BIM in the design and maintenance of works President Sgambati's speech at Abruzzo Economy Summit President Umberto Sgambati spoke at the \"Infrastructure and Innovation\" round table on the first working day of the fourth edition of the Abruzzo Economic Summit, the major national event dedicated to the economy, growth and development of the region and the country. Sgambati stressed the importance of BIM (Building Information Modelling), defining it not only as an operational tool, but also as a collaborative model: \"The design of new major works, as well as the maintenance of existing ones, has become more complex and diversified today, requiring greater attention to sustainability and other critical factors. The real challenge is to integrate the various skills and contributions required, and this is where BIM stands out as an innovation that is not only technological, but above all cultural\". Watch the full intervention (click on the cc button for english subtitles) The summit was also attended by Guido Crosetto, Minister of Defence, Adolfo Urso, Minister for Made in Italy, Giovanni Malagò, President of CONI, Giulio Tremonti, President of the Commission for Foreign and Community Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies, Gabriele Fava, President of INPS, and numerous key figures from the business and technology world, including Stefano Pontecorvo of Leonardo, Dario Lo Bosco, President of RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, and Valentino Confalone of Novartis.
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New Sustainability Report approved

/ In Proger's BdS -35% energy intensity, -30% diesel consumption and a focus on equal pay

A reduction of -30% in diesel consumption and 35% in energy intensity, decisive steps in remuneration policy towards gender equality [...]
New Sustainability Report approved In Proger's BdS -35% energy intensity, -30% diesel consumption and a focus on equal pay A reduction of -30% in diesel consumption and 35% in energy intensity, decisive steps in remuneration policy towards gender equality are some of the most significant aspects of the Proger Sustainability Report approved by the Board of Directors on July 31st. These are all aspects that \"characterize Proger and its approach to sustainability\" and have earned it a Class A ESG rating, certified by Cerved. Among the most important milestones, therefore, it is highlighted how \"the environmental sustainability performance has improved\", comments CEO Marco Lombardi, \"with a reduction in diesel consumption of more than 30 percent compared to the previous year and in the Group\'s energy intensity by almost 35 percent, as well as the first clear effects of a strong new remuneration policy that has as a priority objective the parity between men and women\". \"The year 2023\", concludes Marco Lombardi, \"also ended with the highest economic performance in Proger\'s history (with a 69.6% increase in production), and this is no coincidence. It is rooted in Proger\'s conviction that a company that is more sustainable, more inclusive, more equitable and more transparent is necessarily a company that performs better and is more efficient. For this reason, we will continue to invest in driving sustainable growth while ensuring economic success and environmental and social responsibility for all our stakeholders\".
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At the Senate of the Italian Republic, the event ‘DP(AI) For safety at work, let’s use intelligence!

/ Presentation of the Accyourate technology and the experimental pilot project by Proger, ACEA and GCF

In Italy, there are about 2,000 accidents and 3 deaths at work every day, a figure that shows no signs [...]
At the Senate of the Italian Republic, the event ‘DP(AI) For safety at work, let’s use intelligence! Presentation of the Accyourate technology and the experimental pilot project by Proger, ACEA and GCF In Italy, there are about 2,000 accidents and 3 deaths at work every day, a figure that shows no signs of decreasing. Helmets, gloves, safety shoes and all personal protective equipment are essential, but the technology available today can make a difference with intelligent and active devices. However, it is necessary to adapt the regulations and the occupational safety system to break down the wall of 1,000 white deaths per year. This was discussed in the Nassiriya Room of Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate of the Republic, where a debate organized by the Optimists & Rational Foundation \"DP(AI) For Workplace Safety Let\'s Use Intelligence!  On this occasion, Proger presented the first voluntary project of massive testing for more than 400 workers, together with ACEA and GCF, opening a new chapter in the protection of health in the workplace, through a scientific approach to the detection of bio-vital and environmental parameters in any condition, thanks to Accyourate, an innovative textile technology patented and internationally certified as \"medical device\", capable of making any garment intelligent, thanks to the integration of imperceptible polymeric sensors in the fabric. A new way towards a new concept of protection, prevention and conscious well-being of the worker, capable of preventing possible accidents due to inattention and fatigue, as well as intercepting parameter anomalies even before pathologies manifest themselves with obvious symptoms. Among the participants were Claudio Velardi, President of the Fondazione Ottimisti & Rational, Claudio Durigon, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Susanna Camusso, Senator - former General Secretary of CGIL national labor union, Cesare Damiano, Pres. Ass. Labor & Social Welfare - former Minister of Labor, Francesco Saverio Violante, Lecturer Occupational Medicine - UniBO - Dir. Occupational Medicine of the Policlinico di Sant\'Orsola (BO), Fabrizio Palermo, CEO ACEA, Giuseppe Brecciaroli, CEO General Costruzioni Ferroviarie S.p.A, Marco Lombardi, CEO Proger S.p.A. Le Dichiarazioni Regarding occupational safety, \"we need to change our mental approach. We are a democratic republic founded on work, but still too many people die and are seriously injured in accidents. Technology, innovation and artificial intelligence can be a great tool and a great opportunity of hope to improve the safety of workers and the quality of work\". Senator and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on the sidelines of the meeting. \"Artificial intelligence can interact in the best possible way, especially when it comes to job security. We are a bit late in AI, but we are lucky to have great entrepreneurs in Italy who are giving us input. These best practices, such as the sensor presented today, must immediately become a reference point even for the micro-work we live every day. The project of Proger, ACEA and GCF is a fantastic project, an evolution of prevention initiatives. If we want to reach zero deaths at work, we need a 360-degree use of artificial intelligence. And we also need an \'armed arm\' to ensure that innovation can spread, considering that 95 percent of our economic fabric is made up of 95 percent small and medium-sized enterprises,\" commented Claudio Durigon, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. \"Accyourate is a technology that is certified and internationally recognized as a medical device. - explains Marco Lombardi, CEO of Proger and AccYouRate - It is a polymer dissolved in an aqueous solution that can be \"printed\" on any fabric without altering its properties, and that makes it so that a T-shirt can become a sensor capable of recording and transmitting vital parameters without conductive wires. This technology is like a holter, but non-invasive, you forget you are wearing it. By monitoring these parameters, even diseases that never occurred can be prevented. A technology that can make intelligent and active personal protective equipment that is currently passive, such as gloves and helmets\". Susanna Camusso, senator and former General Secretary of CGIL national labor union, hopes for a \"balanced\" intervention by the legislator to prevent the critical problems that could arise: \"The first problem is that, over time, being ill at work has become a reason to be considered unfit. It is absolutely necessary for the legislator to propose a balanced intervention, so that the investment in technology and safety does not lead to the detriment of workers\". “\"When I heard about this new technology, I applied to sponsor this initiative, which is perfectly in line with our Foundation\'s policy of promoting all technological progress that can make us look to the future,\" said Claudio Velardi, President of the Optimists & Rational Foundation. \"An important day to focus on the role that technology can play in taking that extra step to protect workers. We have an organization of health surveillance of workers that is about to turn 100 years old, since it was first introduced by royal decree in 1927. Today, workers are examined periodically by the doctor in charge. This technology, on the other hand, gives us the extraordinary opportunity to know how the worker\'s health has evolved even in the interval between examinations. This changes the paradigm of health protection and opens up interesting scenarios,\" continues Francesco Saverio Violante, Lecturer in Occupational Medicine - UniBO - Director of Occupational Medicine, Policlinico di Sant\'Orsola (Bologna). \"Occupational safety is very important to us; anyone who comes to a railway construction site immediately realizes how risky the work of our workers is. When this project was presented to us, we immediately accepted it. Passive devices are necessary, but when technology comes to the rescue and presents you with a product that can save lives and improve the quality of work, we could only say yes and we are happy to have participated in the trial. We expect to see positive results soon,\" added Giuseppe Brecciaroli, CEO of Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie S.p.A.  \"Acea is positioning itself as a company dedicated to people and sustainable infrastructure. As a group, we have a lot of employees, but we also work for people by providing essential services. This means that we focus on people and their safety. Today, our industry, like others, is undergoing profound changes dictated by the arrival of technologies related to artificial intelligence and the world of robotics. When we saw this type of device, it was an immediate choice for us because it is a very significant innovation for the safety of the workers and those close to them,\" concludes Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of Acea.
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Proger at the Confindustria “3rd Internationalization Forum: opportunities in Africa and the Middle East”

/ The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, SACE, SIMEST, ICE, Confindustria and private companies

Proger participated in the 3rd Internationalization Forum: Opportunities in Africa and the Middle East. Focus: Egypt, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, [...]
Proger at the Confindustria “3rd Internationalization Forum: opportunities in Africa and the Middle East” The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, SACE, SIMEST, ICE, Confindustria and private companies Proger participated in the 3rd Internationalization Forum: Opportunities in Africa and the Middle East. Focus: Egypt, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, organized by Confindustria Abruzzo Medio Adriatico in collaboration with Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo. The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, SACE, SIMEST, ICE, Confindustria and private companies. Umberto Sgambati, Chairman of Proger and Vice-Chairman of Confindustria Abruzzo Middle Adriatic, introduced the event by highlighting the opportunities offered by the \"Mattei Plan\" and the importance of the new organic approach to supporting the Italian business system abroad, which is beginning to be perceived more concretely than in the past. He then outlined Proger\'s international experience: “The need to be rooted in the territory, which emerged during the discussion, has always been central for us: in fact, we are well established in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where we have developed important projects in various sectors over the last 10 years, thanks to a combination of local resources, Italian experts and partnerships with leading players in the country”. Speaking from Cairo Mauro Della Giovampaola, Director of International Business Operations at Proger, echoed his sentiments: “We do not export products, we provide services locally, so one of the most important aspects is integration into the local context. Today in Egypt we are perceived almost more as a local company than an Italian one, with 80% of our staff being local, but we have gone beyond that: we are creating an engineering hub that can export services to the company\'s other branches in Italy and around the world. For example, on the basis of a patent held by Versalis - ENI Group, we are developing a project for a facility to produce second-generation biotheanol from lignocellulosic biomass. This is a project based on the principles of the circular economy, aimed at sustainability and the revitalization of the agricultural sector, using biomass for non-food purposes and replicable in different contexts, particularly in Africa, for which we have already received excellent feedback from both CDP and Confindustria Assafrica, as well as from the World Bank and the European Bank”.
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HRDF’s New Architectural Identity Presented

/ The conclusion of a major new project in Saudi Arabia

Proger is proud and honored to announce the completion of its latest remarkable project: the new Architectural Identity of the [...]
HRDF’s New Architectural Identity Presented The conclusion of a major new project in Saudi Arabia Proger is proud and honored to announce the completion of its latest remarkable project: the new Architectural Identity of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new architectural identity was unveiled in the city of Jeddah at the opening of the first branch designed according to the new guidelines. His Excellency, the Director General of the Human Resources Development Fund, Mr. Turki bin Abdullah Al-Jawini, inaugurated the new branch as the first of the Fund\'s extensive program to rehabilitate all its branches.  The new architectural identity is a cornerstone of the Fund\'s strategy, which focuses on raising and enhancing the quality of services provided to beneficiaries and improving the customer experience according to their needs, including halls dedicated to holding job meetings, workshops, and career guidance sessions.The branches will play an essential role in strengthening and developing relationships and partnerships with private sector establishments and helping job seekers obtain employment and training opportunities in various labor market fields and specializations. Nicola Radice, Proger, Saudi Arabia Branch Manager, comments: \"First of all, I would like to thank our team for the great job they have done in developing the new architectural identity of the Human Resources Development Fund, a project that was very dear to us and that we have embraced with great enthusiasm and focus. We are honored by the partnership and trust between Proger and the Human Resources Development Fund and to participate in and actively support its vision and leadership. We extend our sincere gratitude to HRDF and its professionals who were involved directly with this project in the GS department and special thanks to the team leader of this project, Saleh AL-Swayan, Consultant Engineer, looking forward to future cooperation with HRDF.\"
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Proger, an A2.2 rating puts the company in the top tier of financial reliability

/ Thanks to the upgrade recognized by the Cerved rating agency, Proger joins the elite group of less than 4% of Italian companies

Proger S.p.A. announces that Cerved, one of Europe’s leading rating agencies, has raised the Company’s public rating from A3.1 to [...]
Proger, an A2.2 rating puts the company in the top tier of financial reliability Thanks to the upgrade recognized by the Cerved rating agency, Proger joins the elite group of less than 4% of Italian companies Proger S.p.A. announces that Cerved, one of Europe\'s leading rating agencies, has raised the Company\'s public rating from A3.1 to A2.2: \"Company with very strong fundamentals and high ability to meet financial obligations. Very high creditworthiness\". \"An important upgrade on the already excellent result of previous years\", comments CFO Roberto Lombardi, \"which confirms Proger\'s solidity in the financial system and repositions it today among the companies in the 4th percentile of Cerved\'s rating ranking\". The analysis carried out by Cerved on the 2023 pre-closing results is the outcome of several factors, such as the considerable and diversified order portfolio, which has allowed and will allow significant developments in both production volumes and margins, a satisfactory organizational and governance model, and an efficient and effective internal control system to monitor the Group\'s financial and operational management risks. The 2023 results show a production value of 186.9 million (+70%), an Ebitda of 24.5 million (+67%), a net profit of almost 15 million (+65%) and a shareholders\' equity of 84.8 million (+21.4%). The reduction in net financial debt (pfn), which amounted to 21 million (-33%), was significant and, thanks to the increase in margins generated, further improved the already excellent pfn/ebitda ratio, which stood at 0.86 for the year under review (a value of excellence that expresses, in a synthetic way, Proger\'s ability to repay, with the margin generated and in less than 12 months, the debt contracted with the financial system). Contained the weight of financial costs (approximately 1.8% of VdP) thanks to efficient financial planning and solid relationships with credit institutions, despite the generalized and significant increase in interest rates and the change in gross debt (+15.6%), supporting the increase in production value. Balanced distribution of market risk among the main business lines. In this regard, a significant stability can be noted in Oil & Gas, with respect to the production of the previous year, while a significant growth can be seen in Infrastructure, with an increase of +36.1 million (ASPI, RFI, WeBuild contracts), in Multidisciplinary Engineering, which expresses +13.6 (Saudi Arabia Branch contracts) and in Green Energy (+26.8 million), whose contribution is mainly related to energy efficiency projects for real estate assets and condominiums. It should also be noted that the 2023 Preclosing Value of Proger S.p.A. does not include the increase in production of its main subsidiaries, among which we mention Proger Egypt (+21.5 mln) - Petrobel / ENI order for the design and construction of a 160 mln headquarters in 4 years - and I.M.P. S.r.l. (+8 mln), an Italian engineering company with expertise in the activities of monitoring and surveillance of works of art. Lombardi concludes: \"These results are the consequence of the good strategic vision of the management, the proven economic-financial solidity of the Group and the effective and efficient organizational-functional model adopted, which are the solid pillars supporting the process of expansion and growth initiated by Proger. The A2.2 rating is a clear confirmation of all this and places Proger in a league of excellence of Italian entrepreneurship, which for a non-captive and totally private capital company like ours, represents a remarkable result and rewards the excellent work carried out both by the team, which I have the pleasure to lead, and by all the corporate resources who have contributed and continue to contribute daily to the achievement of the company\'s objectives.\"
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Proger’s international experience on the stage of the LUISS Business School 

/ At the event 'Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finances', CEO Marco Lombardi shared the company's recent successes and difficulties due to the changing geopolitical scenario

Marco Lombardi, CEO of Proger, participated in the event “Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finance” organised by LUISS Business [...]
Proger’s international experience on the stage of the LUISS Business School  At the event 'Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finances', CEO Marco Lombardi shared the company's recent successes and difficulties due to the changing geopolitical scenario Marco Lombardi, CEO of Proger, participated in the event \"Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finance\" organised by LUISS Business School. During his speech, he discussed how geopolitical tensions are changing rules, stakeholders and financiers, affecting the development of international projects. Lombardi highlighted Proger\'s extensive international experience, having worked successfully in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia for over 20 years. One of the key projects Lombardi presented was the new Petrobel headquarters in Egypt, a $160 million real estate initiative where Proger acted as both developer and general contractor. Faced with the challenge of securing adequate financing in Italy, Proger received support from the Arab Investment Bank. Lombardi stressed how Proger had to navigate and overcome many financial and bureaucratic challenges to realise this project. Lombardi also gave an example related to Russia, where Proger had a local subsidiary and was developing a project for a Russian oil company prior to the Ukraine conflict. Due to international sanctions, Proger was unable to receive payment of more than €17 million, despite having delivered the necessary materials. This episode underlined the difficulties faced by Italian companies in the current geopolitical context. Mr Lombardi concluded by stressing the importance of events such as this in promoting cooperation. He thanked Simest for its support, which has contributed significantly to Proger\'s growth. He emphasised the need for greater cooperation between the private sector and Italian institutions to support the growth and internationalisation of Italian companies. According to Lombardi, it is crucial to strengthen political and financial support, working together to improve the competitiveness of the country\'s system.
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Proger ranked first in Italy among independent engineering firms

/ The article in Il Sole 24 Ore on the economic and technical results achieved by the company in the last two years

Below is the translation of the article by Aldo Norsa and Stefano Vecchiarino published on the website of Il Sole [...]
Proger ranked first in Italy among independent engineering firms The article in Il Sole 24 Ore on the economic and technical results achieved by the company in the last two years Below is the translation of the article by Aldo Norsa and Stefano Vecchiarino published on the website of Il Sole 24 Ore, the most important Italian business newspaper Engineering: for Proger production growth of 70% in 2023 Civil engineering turnover has doubled in the last two years. Recent contracts include the coordination of technical activities related to the Messina Bridge ahead of the Cipess review. Proger, an international engineering company founded in Abruzzo in 1951, ranks among the national giants of the industry in 2023, thanks to a value of production that has more than doubled in the last two years (and increased by 69.6 percent in the last fiscal year alone), putting it in first place among independent companies. In fact, unlike the only two companies with higher turnover in the overall ranking compiled by Guamari, Italferr and Rina Consulting, which can count on the control of large groups such as Fs and Rina, respectively, Proger does not see within its shareholding structure any significant external shareholding other than that of Tifs Partecipazioni (which holds 20.4% of the holding company Proger Ingegneria). It should be noted that the turnover of 189.6 million refers only to that invoiced by Proger Spa and does not take into account the turnover of the other legal entities (Italian and foreign) that make up the Group, which would bring production to 234.6 million. Returning to the parent company, the statutory financial statements show a general improvement in both the income statement and the balance sheet: ebitda rose to 24.4 million (up 66.7 percent), net income to 14.9 million (up 64.8 percent), net financial debt to 21 million (down 15.6 percent) and shareholders\' equity to 84.8 million (up 21.4 percent). In addition, Proger\'s order backlog alone is close to 500 million, thanks to 132 million new contracts acquired in 2023. These include in the Infrastructure sector, the coordination of the technical activities for the preparation of all the documentation required for the Cipess approval of the Messina Strait bridge and the executive design activities for the construction of the Messina-Catania-Palermo railway line, Lot 1 of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria railway line and the Sibiu-Pitesti highway in Romania; in the Health sector, the design of the Syracuse and Vasto hospitals; in Green Energy, the contracts awarded by E-distribuzione for \"technical services for primary substations and satellite centers\" in seven Italian regions, and by Enel Green Power for \"owner engineering\" for the realization of three new battery energy storage systems to be installed to support Terna in the management of the Italian electricity grid; in Oil & Gas, the EPCI contract for the \"Sabratha Compression Module\" platform in Libya. The growth of the Group in 2023 is also supported by two external transactions aimed at strengthening its production capacity and know-how in two strategic sectors, such as the environment and health: in the first case, the acquisition of a majority stake in Anthemys, a boutique engineering company, and in the second, a minority stake in Inar, specialized in health architecture. In addition to the economic-financial results in 2023, a number of important recognitions for Proger are worth mentioning, such as: the \"Two Star ++\" legality certification issued by the Italian Antitrust Authority; the certificate of verification for ESG activities issued by EthicsGO; the ESG rating - Class A by Cerved, a company that also raised Proger\'s financial rating from A.3 to A.2; as well as the Credit Reputation Awards granted by Centralerisk.
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Spaceport: technical and feasibility study presented

/ A unique facility in Mediterranean Europe to enable horizontal takeoff and landing of future space vehicles

During the international event MAM 2024 Mediterranean Aerospace Matching, the project for the construction of the Taranto Grottaglie Spaceport was [...]
Spaceport: technical and feasibility study presented A unique facility in Mediterranean Europe to enable horizontal takeoff and landing of future space vehicles During the international event MAM 2024 Mediterranean Aerospace Matching, the project for the construction of the Taranto Grottaglie Spaceport was presented. This is a unique structure in the European Mediterranean area, from which it will be possible to carry out horizontal take-offs and landings of future space vehicles for the launch of payloads into orbit, suborbital flights, controlled re-entry from orbit, microgravity experiments and astronaut training. The main structures, designed by a team comprising ADR Ingegneria, Proger, Rina Consulting and Architect Camerana, are a large hangar and a multifunctional building connected by a futuristic tunnel: The hangar (8,000 square metres) is designed to accommodate large aircrafts such as the Boeing 747-8, one of the largest aircraft in circulation, and carriers such as Virgin Galactic\'s White Knight Two, used to launch suborbital spacecraft. The internal configuration has been designed to provide the flexibility required for different types of platforms, including atmospheric re-entry, as well as the medical, dressing and training centre rooms to support the crew, and the capacity to house the services required for pre- and post-flight payload processing. This included 8 laboratories, 3 with fume hoods for chemical/biological reagent operations, 5 ISO Class 8 clean rooms and 4 experimenters\' offices. The multifunctional building (5,000 square metres) will house a training centre, an aerospace start-up incubator, a visitor area, a museum and 7 laboratories to support the microgravity experiments made possible by the space access platforms. The project carefully integrates logistical elements and state-of-the-art equipment into the local landscape, choosing colours and materials that harmonise with the existing environment in terms of landscape protection and environmental sustainability, and aims to achieve LEED Gold and Silver certification, thanks to Proger\'s technical solutions that make complex and demanding structures such as the hangar and laboratories almost energy-neutral, while guaranteeing top-level performance for all systems. Taranto Grottaglie Airport\'s integrated logistics and technical platform is recognized as an aerospace hub of excellence for development activities, research and testing of innovative solutions, in addition to being home to a \"Test Bed\" area for drone testing. In 2014, it was designated by the Italian government and ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) as the site of Italy\'s first and only spaceport, thanks to significant developments over the past two decades, starting with the 2006 land-side expansion and air-side modernization project carried out by Proger, which consisted of a runway extension and upgrade to allow the takeoff and landing of the Dreamlifter, the cargo plane carrying the fuselage parts of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, assembled at the adjacent Alenia Aermacchi factory.
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Sustainability: Proger guest of Crédit Agricole Italia and SACE as a virtuous company

Proger was one of the excellences at the event dedicated to sustainability organized by Crédit Agricole at SACE’s headquarters in [...]
Sustainability: Proger guest of Crédit Agricole Italia and SACE as a virtuous company Proger was one of the excellences at the event dedicated to sustainability organized by Crédit Agricole at SACE\'s headquarters in Rome, as part of the \"Coffee with Companies\" itinerary. Crédit Agricole Italia and SACE explored the crucial issue of corporate sustainability and the support available to ESG-compliant companies. After highlighting the importance and socio-economic impact of sustainable investment, including an analysis of the many opportunities and tools offered by \"ESG transition/stabilization\", the speakers gave the floor to the CFOs of Proger and Walter Tosto, who gave a factual account of their transition path and the economic and social spin-offs achieved and still to be achieved. The testimonies of these two internationally recognized excellences highlighted the excellent results achieved in terms of sustainability, albeit by following a different path. \"Merging development and sustainability into a single shared driver of growth is the road that all companies will necessarily have to travel in the near future,\" argues Roberto Lombardi, CFO of Proger, \"the goal is to generate, therefore, a sustainable and persistent profit over time, and this requires the necessary intervention by the main players in the financial system who, like Crédit Agricole, propose to accompany, in an effective and efficient way, corporate investments through the implementation of ESG Linked lines whose rates are harmonized according to the achievement of specific sustainability KPIs.\" Lombardi concludes, \"Growth requires unavoidable attention in the use of economic and financial resources in order to be able to generate that economic value that is sustainable with the company\'s ecological footprint\".
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ESG: Proger has obtained the verification certificate according to UNI ISO/TS 17033:2020 and UNI/PdR 102:2021

/ A new milestone achieved along the company's ESG path

Proger has obtained an important verification certificate in the ESG field issued by EthicsGO, the first verification and validation body [...]
ESG: Proger has obtained the verification certificate according to UNI ISO/TS 17033:2020 and UNI/PdR 102:2021 A new milestone achieved along the company's ESG path Proger has obtained an important verification certificate in the ESG field issued by EthicsGO, the first verification and validation body for ethical and sustainable communication, accredited according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17029:2020 standard. This certificate was issued in compliance with UNI ISO/TS 17033:2020 and UNI/PdR 102:2021 following the implementation of the service for the verification of eligibility, truthfulness, conformity, ethics and sustainability, carried out in accordance with the E.GO model for the certiCLAIM SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAMME REV.5 system, approved and validated by Accredia - Italian Accreditation Body. In particular, through the claim \'We design the future, a sustainable future in the environmental, social and governance terms. This is our mission\", and the related explanatory statement, Proger wanted to provide its stakeholders with greater clarity on the sustainability objectives achieved by the company within the scope of its Ethical Mission. The purpose of the verification and validation activities carried out is to provide the company with a tool (with a recognised and shared methodology) that certifies the admissibility, conformity and truthfulness of its ESG communication campaigns, while at the same time guaranteeing consumers/users the technical-scientific correspondence between the content of the products and services offered by the company and what it declares and affirms in its advertising. Claudia Raiola, Sustainability Manager: \"Clarity and transparency are essential to spread the culture of sustainability and to contrast the phenomenon of greenwashing. Verification and validation activities guarantee the credibility and reliability of the ethical sustainability claims that the company shares through its communication channels. The objective is to strengthen the trust of our stakeholders, who are increasingly sensitive to sustainability issues, but also increasingly demanding in terms of verifying the truthfulness and reliability of what is being communicated\".
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Credit Reputation Awards: Proger recognized as TOP Investment Grade Company.

/ MF Centralerisk awarded the company for its timely, reliable, sustainable and transparent management of relations with the banking and financial system.

Proger has been honored at the Credit Reputation Awards as a TOP Investment Grade company, with a rating that places [...]
Credit Reputation Awards: Proger recognized as TOP Investment Grade Company. MF Centralerisk awarded the company for its timely, reliable, sustainable and transparent management of relations with the banking and financial system. Proger has been honored at the Credit Reputation Awards as a TOP Investment Grade company, with a rating that places it at the top of the scale prepared by Standard & Poor, for achieving outstanding results in reliability, punctuality and conscientious management of relations with the banking and financial system. The award was conferred by MF Centralerisk, a market leader in the analysis and monitoring of data reported by financial intermediaries to the Centrale Rischi (CR) of the Bank of Italy. The event was sponsored by the most important management and professional associations in the financial sector, such as ACEF (Associazione Culturale Economia e Finanza) and AITI (Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d\'Impresa), always committed to promoting a sustainable and ethical financial culture. Held in a prestigious location in Milan, in the presence of banks, investment funds and the press, the event was reserved for the companies that, divided according to Nielsen area and turnover class, emerged as winners of the \"CR Award\", based on the analysis of the surveys conducted by the Bank of Italy\'s Centrale Rischi, in the period January - December 2023, among the candidates with a rating between AAA and BBB investment grade. Proger\'s award was accepted by Laura Florio, Chief Treasury & Risk Management Officer, who said at the award ceremony: \"I am delighted that Proger has received such an important recognition, which confirms its undisputed ability to provide complex and high-tech engineering services at an international level, always in accordance with the principles of cost-effectiveness and financial reliability for the achievement of significant levels of profitability, soundness and long-term persistence\".
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Water sustainability: new guidelines developed by Assoreca and coordinated by Proger are now available

/ A new model for efficient water resource management to address the challenges of the ongoing climate crisis.

The document “Guidelines for Territorial Water Sustainability” was published on the occasion of World Water Day. Proger conceived and coordinated [...]
Water sustainability: new guidelines developed by Assoreca and coordinated by Proger are now available A new model for efficient water resource management to address the challenges of the ongoing climate crisis. The document \"Guidelines for Territorial Water Sustainability\" was published on the occasion of World Water Day. Proger conceived and coordinated the project as part of the working group of Assoreca, the association of the largest environmental engineering companies in Italy. The aim is to provide authorities, companies and professionals with an effective and collaborative model for distributing water resources among the different sectors of use: civil and drinking, industrial, agricultural and livestock, and hydroelectric. Marco Sandrucci, head of Proger\'s Environment and Geology department, explains the motivations behind Assoreca\'s \"Water Sustainability\" project, which he coordinates: \"An important change is becoming increasingly clear at the level of rainfall distribution throughout the year, with a dramatic alternation of phenomena of opposite sign, going from disruptions due to excess water to periods of drought. The purpose of the document, and of the \"territorial water sustainability\" pilot project, is also to give operational guidelines to cope not only with the increasingly frequent succession of water crises, no longer relegated to the southern regions of Italy and the World alone, but also with the concurrent incorrect and un-optimal management of water, and for this reason we felt the urgency to intervene to bring to the attention of the competent authorities a methodological formulation that is efficient and sustainable\". The guidelines analyze the issue of water from environmental, technical, legislative, political, and social perspectives. They cover all aspects, from feasibility verification to water supply, use, recovery, and reuse. The guidelines propose a virtuous circular model that can be replicated in different socioeconomic and territorial contexts. An operational and managerial response that must fit within an infrastructural and legislative framework that requires significant renewal, as also highlighted in the \"Water Economy in Italy\" report published by Proger in early 2023. A second document, which will focus on the best technologies currently available in the sector, will be published in a few months. Proger has always been attentive to optimizing and promoting circularity of water resources in construction and production sites. In recent years, the company has expanded its focus to include systemic and territorial aspects, such as the critical relationship between water and agriculture. Despite being a primary sector for all human communities, agriculture is often the most damaged. Proger\'s approach aims to optimize water use and storage, particularly recycled water from sewage treatment plants, during periods of abundance. This stored water is then made available to support agricultural crops during drought and high evapotranspiration periods. Concludes Sandrucci: \"The working group is successfully developing the pilot project of a territorial compartment with high water resilience and sustainability in Piedmont, in an area that has all types of hydro-demands and, above all, criticalities that until recently were unimaginable. Since competition for water use is not only an Italian problem, but an increasingly global one, we believe that this new model can be an adaptable solution in all contexts and we want to demonstrate its concrete applicability\".
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Strait of Messina: approval of the Strategic Plan of the Port System

/ The document is the key to developing the Strait's port-related system and the six ports involved

The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has approved the Strategic System Planning Document (DPSS) of the ports managed by [...]
Strait of Messina: approval of the Strategic Plan of the Port System The document is the key to developing the Strait's port-related system and the six ports involved The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has approved the Strategic System Planning Document (DPSS) of the ports managed by the Strait Port System Authority. This document was developed by Proger, which heads the grouping also made up of Dinamica and Systematica.  The content of the DPSS defines the objectives and coordinated development strategies of up to 6 ports under the Strait Port System Authority - Messina, Milazzo, Tremestieri, Villa San Giovanni, Reggio Calabria and Saline - and concerns both the port, retroport and port-city interaction areas, as well as the last mile road and rail infrastructure connections outside the port area. “This is an important result for the working group, which comes at the end of an articulated process involving the numerous municipalities concerned, the Regions of Sicily and Calabria and, finally, the Ministry”, commented President Umberto Sgambati, “on the basis of our work, the System Authority can now launch the procedures for drafting the individual Port Master Plans, proposing synergic solutions to the existing criticalities, supporting the development of port activities and ensuring increasingly modern and high quality services for passengers and operators”.
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Two new alliances in the energy sector for the strategic development of its business in the Middle East and North Africa.

/ Two-year agreements with Petrojet and ENPPI, the two Egyptian oil & gas giants

At the Egypes 2024 exhibition in Cairo, Proger CEO Marco Lombardi signed two Memorandums of Understanding with Petrojet President Waleed [...]
Two new alliances in the energy sector for the strategic development of its business in the Middle East and North Africa. Two-year agreements with Petrojet and ENPPI, the two Egyptian oil & gas giants At the Egypes 2024 exhibition in Cairo, Proger CEO Marco Lombardi signed two Memorandums of Understanding with Petrojet President Waleed Lotfy and ENPPI President Wael Lotfy. The signing took place in the presence of the companies\' top management, including Mauro Della Giovampaola, Director of Proger\'s International Management Office and Managing Director of Proger Egypt, Ahmed Shalash, Vice President of Proger Egypt, and Giuseppe Giansante, Operations Director Oil & Gas at Proger. The two-year agreements entail a robust industrial partnership between the companies to enhance and broaden their footprint in the petrochemical and energy sectors in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The two Egyptian companies, which are owned by the state-owned oil company EGPC, possess extensive experience, substantial resources, and complementary services to those of Proger. \"The strategic agreements signed today demonstrate the significant growth of Proger Egypt and expand Proger\'s reach throughout the Middle East and North Africa,\" declared CEO Marco Lombardi stated \"This journey began in the Emirates twenty years ago and has led to Proger\'s success in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. These new synergies will enable Proger to expand further in the MENA region, starting with Iraq\". Petrojet is one of the leading EPC operators in the MENA region with a workforce of over 40,000 people and owns a large fleet of modern construction equipment, world-class process equipment fabrication facilities, offshore fabrication yards and pipe coating facilities. ENPPI is specialised in providing fully integrated engineering, procurement, construction, construction supervision and project management services for the oil, petrochemical, energy and other related sectors in Egypt and around the world. Proger is an international multi-disciplinary engineering and procurement company for EPCs in the Oil & Gas (Upstream, Midstream, Downstream), Petrochemical and Energy sectors, offering a wide range of dedicated solutions for all Oil & Gas and Energy ancillary systems, with a solid international experience in the development of turnkey EPC projects at all latitudes (MENA, Central Asia, Africa and Europe), providing management, engineering, procurement, permitting, works supervision, hook-up, commissioning and start-up assistance services.
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Proger participates in EGYPES 2024, the most important energy exhibition in North Africa

/ "Driving Energy Transition, Security and Decarbonisation" the theme of the event

More than 35,000 participants and 2,200 delegates are expected to attend EGYPES 2024 from 19-21 February at the Egypt International [...]
Proger participates in EGYPES 2024, the most important energy exhibition in North Africa "Driving Energy Transition, Security and Decarbonisation" the theme of the event More than 35,000 participants and 2,200 delegates are expected to attend EGYPES 2024 from 19-21 February at the Egypt International Exhibition Centre in Cairo. Patronised by President El Sisi, the event will focus on \'Driving Energy Transition, Security and Decarbonisation\' and will be the epicentre of global energy dialogue in the Mediterranean. A delegation from Proger s.p.a. and Proger Egypt is ready to welcome visitors and institutional guests to its stand to illustrate the company\'s expertise in the energy sector and the multidisciplinary projects implemented in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Proger has been operating in Egypt since 2017 through its locally established company, Proger Egypt JSC. In the country, the company first developed major projects in the oil and gas sector, and now, following its multidisciplinary vocation, it has expanded its range of activities to include the green energy and biofuels sectors, as well as the construction sector, with real estate investment initiatives as general contractor, such as the turnkey project of Petrobel\'s new headquarters in New Cairo. \"In the past we have attended this fair as visitors, but this year we are exhibitors, which shows how much we have grown in the country,\" comments Mauro Della Giovampaola, Managing Director of Proger Egypt and Director of Proger\'s International Management Office, \"We want to take the opportunity of this event to give further impetus to our activities in North Africa and the Middle East and to forge new alliances with increasingly important players”.
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Framework Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Defence

/ The agreement involves engineering services for the Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli and two barracks included in the Green Barracks program

Proger has signed a framework agreement for engineering services with the Ministry of Defence, based on the ranking of the [...]
Framework Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Defence The agreement involves engineering services for the Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli and two barracks included in the Green Barracks program Proger has signed a framework agreement for engineering services with the Ministry of Defence, based on the ranking of the tender, in which the group of companies led by the company came first. Specifically, Proger\'s RTI - made up of Rina Consulting, Seingim Global Services, Arcomproject and Corvino+Multari - was awarded the three most important projects in Lot 3, with a design value of over €30 million and a work value of over €460 million. The four-year contract covers engineering services for the technical and economic feasibility, final and executive design, safety and coordination plan, surveys and geological and geognostic studies for the extension and modernisation of the Pozzuoli Air Force Academy and the Dalla Chiesa - Perotti barracks in Cuneo and the Salomone barracks in Capua, as part of the Green Barracks Program. “This important award is certainly thanks to the successful track record we have with all the military forces of our country,” comments Valerio Lombardi, Director of Proger\'s Civil Engineering BU. “For the Air Force, we have built the new hangars and logistics services for the F35 at the Ghedi base; for the Navy, we are carrying out the project for the adaptation and modernisation of the Taranto Naval Base; and in recent weeks, we have completed the project for the rehabilitation of the La Comina Army Barracks, the first project of the Green Barracks Program, which also includes two of the new awards”.
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Sustainability: Crédit Agricole supports Proger’s growth

/ An 8 million euro ESG KPI Linked loan granted to our company

Crédit Agricole Italia has granted Proger a loan of EUR 8 million linked to ESG KPIs, in line with the [...]
Sustainability: Crédit Agricole supports Proger’s growth An 8 million euro ESG KPI Linked loan granted to our company Crédit Agricole Italia has granted Proger a loan of EUR 8 million linked to ESG KPIs, in line with the company\'s sustainability strategy and the attention paid to the environment by the banking group, one of the top 10 in the world. The loan is linked to a price reduction mechanism, which in turn is linked to the achievement of certain sustainability objectives, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the compliance of the company\'s suppliers with the principles of its code of ethics. \"Proger, since 2021, has embarked on an increasingly structured and programmatic path in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, because attention to sustainability is not only an opportunity, but a necessary and new approach to reference markets\", said CFO Roberto Lombardi, \"And the fact that a banking partner such as Crédit Agricole has decided to accompany us on this journey is a concrete and positive response to the attention that the banking system is paying to the complex issues of social and environmental sustainability.\". \"For Crédit Agricole Italia, the drive towards internationalisation, combined with an ever-increasing focus on sustainability issues, are fundamental pillars for the growth of our country\'s economic system,\" said Marco Perocchi, Head of Corporate Banking at Crédit Agricole Italia. \"The loan granted to Proger allows us to invest in this direction, stimulating the organic growth of an excellent Made in Italy company while increasing our ESG commitment\".
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Gender Equality: Proger certified UNI/PdR 125:2022

/ A further step on the road to inclusiveness and the protection of the diversity of our employees

Proger has obtained gender equality certification, confirming its commitment to promoting and protecting diversity and equal opportunities in its working [...]
Gender Equality: Proger certified UNI/PdR 125:2022 A further step on the road to inclusiveness and the protection of the diversity of our employees Proger has obtained gender equality certification, confirming its commitment to promoting and protecting diversity and equal opportunities in its working environment. The recognition, which complies with UNI/PdR 125:2022 standards, is a new step in the path outlined in the company\'s three-year strategic plan, following the SA8000 Social Accountability certification obtained in September 2023. “We are proud of this result, which rewards our commitment and the great attention that Proger has always paid to respecting human rights and supporting the values of diversity, inclusion and gender equality, reflecting these principles in its processes inside and outside the company,\" says Sabina Cuccia, operations manager of the certification process. \"DNV, an international leader in this field, has certified the consistency of our activities based on an assessment process consisting of six key indicators, such as culture and strategy; governance; HR processes; opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company; gender pay equity; parental protection and work-life balance”. In accordance with the guidelines of the reference practice PdR 125:2022, Proger is therefore committed to implementing and measuring initiatives to improve gender equality and the well-being of its resources and their families: creating an inclusive working environment; ensuring non-discrimination and equal opportunities in recruitment, remuneration and professional and career development; supporting employees in parental and caring activities; promoting work-life balance; committing to prevent, with zero tolerance, all forms of harassment in the workplace.
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The final design of the new La Comina military complex was presented to the Italian Army High Command

/ A video about the first application of the Ministry of Defence's Green Barracks programme

The final project for the new ‘La Comina’ military complex, the first application of the Italian Ministry of Defence’s ‘Green [...]
The final design of the new La Comina military complex was presented to the Italian Army High Command A video about the first application of the Ministry of Defence's Green Barracks programme The final project for the new \'La Comina\' military complex, the first application of the Italian Ministry of Defence\'s \'Green Barracks\' program, has been presented to the Italian Army General Staff. The program is aimed at the construction of new-generation military bases with a low environmental impact, designed to guarantee suitable living and welfare conditions for army personnel and their families. The project consists of the adaptation and modernisation of the current training centre \"La Comina\" to accommodate the 132nd Armoured Brigade \"Ariete\", which will move from the current barracks in Mittica to the centre of Pordenone, which will become a green oasis with services for the city. The existing sports and training facilities will be expanded and integrated with the construction of new command, logistics and accommodation areas. Proger is responsible for the final and executive design, which aims to create an energy self-sufficient complex to ensure maximum sustainability in normal conditions and full operational capacity in emergency conditions. Thanks to highly energy-efficient technological solutions, active and passive consumption reduction systems combined with the use of renewable energy sources and storage systems, the La Comina military complex will be carbon neutral, energy class A4 and LEED Gold certified.
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Proger presents a new methodological approach to water sustainability at Ecomondo

/ Guidelines and pilot project implemented by the Assoreca working group coordinated by Proger

In the context of Ecomondo 2023, PROGER presented the guidelines for a new methodological approach to water sustainability and the [...]
Proger presents a new methodological approach to water sustainability at Ecomondo Guidelines and pilot project implemented by the Assoreca working group coordinated by Proger In the context of Ecomondo 2023, PROGER presented the guidelines for a new methodological approach to water sustainability and the related pilot project, developed by the ASSORECA Association working group coordinated by Proger and made up of Aecom, Anthemis, ERM, GM Ambiente, Gruppo Stante, Italferr, Sinergeo, Sodai and WSP. As part of the programme of the international reference event in the green and circular economy sector, Marco Sandrucci, head of Proger\'s Environment Operating Unit and coordinator of Assoreca\'s \'Water Sustainability\' working group, explained the need for a change in approach, both technical and cultural, in the way water resources are used at territorial level. This is an operational and managerial response to the ongoing climate change, the effects of which our country is increasingly experiencing, and is part of an infrastructural and legislative framework in need of profound renewal, as also highlighted in the \"Water Economy in Italy\" report published by Proger at the beginning of 2023. “Today, the total amount of water present in a given territory is divided competitively between the different categories of use: civil and drinking, agricultural and livestock, industrial and hydroelectric,\" explains Sandrucci, \"When the available flow rates become insufficient, this leads to the reduction, and sometimes cancellation, of the supply to one or more of these categories”. Pending complex, costly and time-consuming processes to increase supplies and reduce losses, Proger\'s proposal is for a circular and efficient water management, pursuing a multiple and synergic utilisation that maximises the \'cascading\' use of water, replacing the current competitive use between different types of use and utilisation. “To highlight the real feasibility of the proposal, the working group developed the pilot project of a territorial compartment with high water resilience and sustainability,\" Sandrucci continues, \"To this end, an area was selected that can guarantee the coexistence of all types of water needs, considered exemplary as a case study, to demonstrate a new virtuous circular model, replicable in different socio-economic and territorial contexts, which tends to be all the more important as water scarcity phenomena become more accentuated in the near future”.
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Proger’s Sustainability is A-Class

/ An ESGe rating which places the company among the top performers in its sector

Combining “development and sustainability” in a unique value, with the aim of improving people’s quality of life. This is the [...]
Proger’s Sustainability is A-Class An ESGe rating which places the company among the top performers in its sector Combining \"development and sustainability\" in a unique value, with the aim of improving people\'s quality of life. This is the mission with which Proger is pursuing its corporate sustainability path from 2021 onwards, and which is already yielding excellent results: the latest news is that it has been awarded an \"A\" ESGe rating by the Cerved rating agency. An important result that places Proger among the top performers in its reference sector. Thanks to the fulfilment of its commitments and its consolidated ability to manage the risks and opportunities arising from the ESG factors relevant to its business, Proger has managed, in just a few months, to improve on the already excellent \'High End Performance\' achieved in its first financial statements. \"We imagine and shape the future, a sustainable future. This is our mission,\" says CEO Marco Lombardi, \"it is not only what we do that matters, but also how we do it and the principles that inspire us: this is how we create shared value\". The main factors that led to the rating increase can be summarised as the excellent results achieved in 2022, such as the increase of 82 resources compared to the previous year, bringing the total to 524, and the 23% increase in the presence of women, in many cases in managerial positions, in a sector traditionally characterised by a strong male presence. In terms of environmental responsibility, Proger works both on the \"direct\" front of reducing energy and water consumption in its offices, and on the \"indirect\" front of developing low impact projects in all sectors: from major infrastructures to sustainable construction, from the remediation of contaminated sites to major initiatives in support of energy transition. On a social level, Proger has strengthened its ethical and sustainable development commitments alongside communities and local authorities, for the growth and enhancement of resources and the territory. The planning of activities and the integration of sustainability into the strategic and operational management of the company play an important role in the evaluation of ESG performance: Indeed, Proger has been recognised for the strong commitment of its management, which, even in the absence of regulatory obligations, decided to appoint an ESG Committee and an ESG manager, and to draw up a sustainability plan that identified 28 objectives to be reached by 2025 in order to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations. In this context, the new initiatives to enhance human capital and promote a culture of equal opportunities, inclusion, gender equality and respect for human rights in the workplace stand out, for which Proger has already accomplished the first of the targets set by obtaining SA8000 certification. Mr Lombardi concludes: \"The success of Proger\'s Sustainability Report goes hand in hand with the excellent results highlighted in the last Annual Report and in the Half-Yearly Report for 2023, forming a complete picture of a healthy company oriented towards continuous and responsible growth\"
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For Proger, a production value of over 180 million in 2023, with a portfolio of around half a billion euros over the next three years.

/ Presentation of the company's half-year report, forecasts to 31.12.2023 and business plan 2023-2026

At an event reserved for stakeholders, Proger’s CFO, Roberto Lombardi, presented the company’s results and forecasts for 2023, as well [...]
For Proger, a production value of over 180 million in 2023, with a portfolio of around half a billion euros over the next three years. Presentation of the company's half-year report, forecasts to 31.12.2023 and business plan 2023-2026 At an event reserved for stakeholders, Proger\'s CFO, Roberto Lombardi, presented the company\'s results and forecasts for 2023, as well as its business plan for the next three years. For Proger, 2023 will mark the best result in the company\'s history, with a projected production value at 31 December of EUR 186 million, +40% compared to 2022, and an EBITDA of EUR 24 million. The positive results of 2023 can be attributed to the performance of the main business lines of the engineering and management company, which boasts clients such as WeBuild in the infrastructure design sector, Autostrade per l\'Italia for safety inspections and maintenance engineering, Eni and Total in the oil and gas sector, and Enel and Terna in the green energy sector. \"In 2023, we have made an important leap forward in terms of production, compared to the average of 100 million developed in recent years,\" comments Lombardi. \"Our growth model is based on the competence of our resources and the intuitions of our management, which are well supported by the financial system; in fact, to pursue growth of this kind requires strong support both from the banking system and from Proger\'s shareholders themselves, who have always reinvested profits in the company because they believe in the persistent development project that Proger has undertaken. With an NFP/PN ratio of 36%, a high level of financial availability and substantial medium-term credit lines provided by the financial system, Proger can explore new markets and generate new business on a solid and secure footing\". This solidity is confirmed by some of the main indicators highlighted during the presentation: the EBITDA margin (EBITDA/VdP) of 13% shows a good level of remuneration for the activity carried out, particularly in view of the comparative benchmark of around 10%, and the excellent ratio of net financial position (NFP) to EBITDA, at 1.26 (with an average of 3.5 in the sector), summarises the company\'s ability to repay bank debt in the short term. \"In addition to the financial data, however, we must not forget that it is essential for us to invest in human capital and training, as this creates value and guarantees the continuity of the growth trend\". During the presentation, the CFO went on to extend the time horizon of the forecast, illustrating Proger\'s business plan up to 2026, which, despite an extremely conservative approach, confirms the current year\'s production volumes. \"We have a portfolio of around half a billion euros,\" continued the CFO, \"but these are values that refer to June 2023 and I can already say that they are on the rise.\" \"I cannot deny that our CFO is always very cautious in his forecasts,\" interjects CEO Marco Lombardi, \"but we are confident that we will not only be able to confirm this year\'s VdP, as indicated in the business plan, but that we will be able to go well beyond the €200 million threshold over the next three years. This is because the figures presented do not take into account very concrete scenarios and initiatives in the pipeline that are not yet sufficiently mature to be included in our backlog. One of them, for example, sees us as the technical coordinator of one of the most important infrastructure projects in the world\". “I remember that in 2014, during a company convention, we announced the goal of becoming number 1 in Italy and reaching 200 M€ of turnover by 2025,\" concludes President Umberto Sgambati. \"To many it seemed far too ambitious, but today we can say that we are succeeding even ahead of schedule.”
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Proger at OMC Med Energy 2023

/ Energy and innovation for a "just transition" is the driving idea behind OMC Med Energy

Proger will be attending the 2023 edition of OMC Med Energy in Ravenna, from 24 to 26 October, in its [...]
Proger at OMC Med Energy 2023 Energy and innovation for a "just transition" is the driving idea behind OMC Med Energy Proger will be attending the 2023 edition of OMC Med Energy in Ravenna, from 24 to 26 October, in its usual role as \"Associated Company\" of the biennial event that brings together the main players in the energy industry. This year, Proger, in collaboration with the University of L\'Aquila, will present a study entitled \"The circular economy approach in oil refining: recycling of spent fcc and hds catalysts\" and will be one of the organisers of the Hackathon, a competition on energy transition issues for university students in the Innovation Room. Representatives from the various technical and commercial areas of Proger\'s Oil & Gas and Green Energy business lines will be present at stand no. 307 in Hall 7 to illustrate the numerous projects that have been realised thanks to the multidisciplinary skills of the company\'s professionals, who work in synergy around the shared goal of environmental sustainability. \"We have been a key player in the energy sector since the 1990s\", explains Carmine Matricciani, Director of the Oil & Gas BU, \"and since then we have been constantly developing and expanding our skills, starting from fossil fuels and moving on to renewables, and today we are a unique interlocutor able to offer complete solutions based on an efficient and sustainable energy mix\". The integrated approach to the energy sector, developed over the years, has resulted in a portfolio of projects ranging from hydrocarbon extraction and transformation plants for major oil companies such as ENI and Total, to photovoltaic and wind power plants developed for international players such as Enel Green Power, EDP Renewables and Vestas. In between, a series of interventions to optimise energy production plants from traditional and renewable sources, with solutions based on hydrogen, bioethanol and electrical and thermal energy storage systems. \"At Proger, we believe in an ecological transition that necessarily involves a process of optimising current technologies, and this type of projects require a wide range of expertise, where collaboration between our BUs makes the difference\", says Rocco Marsico, Director of the Green Energy BU, \"examples include biomass and biogas production plants, which require the solid process knowledge typical of oil engineering, thermal energy storage systems, TESS, to support thermoelectric power plants, and electrical energy storage systems, BESS, which are essential to stabilise and optimise the production of renewable plants\". The stand that will welcome Proger\'s guests is inspired by the communication campaign \"Everything you can imagine is real\", combining technological and classic elements. \"The 5 columns in the centre of our space represent the pillars of the company\'s logo and core values,\" explains Luigi Crespi, Director of Proger Smart Communication, the Proger Group\'s communications agency. \"They are the fixed points around which revolve the statements, ideas and images of the company\'s people and projects, which will quickly flow along the LED wall that surrounds the entire structure, and which will certainly attract the attention of all visitors to OMC 2023\".
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Proger certified SA8000

Proger has obtained SA8000 certification: a new important milestone and a further demonstration of the company’s commitment to social responsibility [...]
Proger certified SA8000 Proger has obtained SA8000 certification: a new important milestone and a further demonstration of the company\'s commitment to social responsibility and, in particular, to the well-being of its employees, confirming the objectives defined in the 2022 Sustainability Report, which focuses on people and the impact on society. The certification comes at the end of a process of analysis and verification that certifies the implementation of a management system for social responsibility in the field of human rights, workers\' rights and their well-being in the company. Proger is thus reinforcing its focus on these issues and committing itself to the strictest standards of ethical behaviour towards its employees, collaborators and all stakeholders: customers, suppliers, partners, institutions and local communities. From this point of view, the SA8000 certification can be considered as a further step in the path taken by Proger and as an additional incentive to identify possible improvements in the pursuit of sustainability and social responsibility objectives. In this context, Proger has embarked on a further path aimed at fully implementing the requirements of UNI/PdR 125:2022 in its own management system, as a commitment to act in favour of gender equality and inclusiveness. In order to share the principles of fairness, correctness and equal opportunities, which the company intends to respect and protect as necessary conditions for achieving its commitments, Proger has defined its own \'Ethical Policy on Human Rights, Diversity, Inclusion, Gender Equality and Social Commitment\'. Thanks to the Social Accountability Management System, every worker, or stakeholder inside or outside the company, has the opportunity to report any non-compliance with the principles of the SA8000 standard. These reports can be submitted through the specific reporting and whistleblowing communication channel that Proger has activated. The SA 8000 certification is in addition to those already obtained by Proger and related to Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety management according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2018. To consult the complete list of certifications obtained by Proger, please refer to the documentation available on the page Ethics and Quality
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Catania railway junction

/ Award of contract for the undergrounding of the railway line near the Catania Fontanarossa airport

Proger is the leader of the JV of engineering companies, composed of Progin and S.T.E, indicated by the JV of [...]
Catania railway junction Award of contract for the undergrounding of the railway line near the Catania Fontanarossa airport Proger is the leader of the JV of engineering companies, composed of Progin and S.T.E, indicated by the JV of construction companies, led by Eteria, with Euro Ferroviaria and Salcef, to which RFI has awarded the integrated contract for the \"executive design and execution of works for the construction of the Messina - Catania - Palermo railway line, Catania junction\": underground railway project to allow the extension of the Fontanarossa airport runway and adaptation to the Technical Specifications for Interoperability of the section concerned, as well as technologies and equipment for the third track at Fontanarossa station\". The project, worth over €370 million, consists of the undergrounding of the section of railway that obstructs the extension of the Catania-Fontanarossa airport runway, with the construction of an artificial tunnel and trenches over a length of about 3 kilometres. The project also includes the modification of the Catania-Siracusa line, the construction of a new branch line for direct connections between Syracuse and Palermo and the new Bicocca station, with a new freight terminal in the existing facility, and the transformation of the Catania Aeroporto Fontanarossa stop into a station with the construction of a third track. The works, which form part of the new Palermo-Catania-Messina railway line, are of fundamental importance for mobility in Catania and Sicily: on the one hand, because they prepare the ground for the construction of the new runway at the Airport, on the other hand, because they improve the railway connection with Catania Fontanarossa Airport by upgrading the Catania Fontanarossa Airport station, modernising the Bicocca station, the most important freight terminal in Sicily, and bringing the railway line up to European standards. Among the improvement solutions proposed by the Proger working group, we highlight two areas in particular: hydraulic interference of the water table with the underground works, for which solutions of efficiency, technological improvement and simplification of the construction site were proposed; water sustainability of the construction site, which has led to an estimated reduction in water supply of 3.4 million m3 of water, equivalent to 1,360 olympic swimming pools, thanks to the recovery and reuse between 90% and 100% of civil, industrial and meteoric water, achieved through the use of innovative products and point devices to reduce consumption, efficiency systems and smart monitoring.
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Proger alongside Enel Grids for the development of the Italian electricity grid

/ Proger has signed four two-year framework contracts with e-distribuzione for engineering services for primary substations and satellite centres.

The Enel Group’s electricity distribution company has 31.5 million users connected to its network, which extends over 1,100,000 km across [...]
Proger alongside Enel Grids for the development of the Italian electricity grid Proger has signed four two-year framework contracts with e-distribuzione for engineering services for primary substations and satellite centres. The Enel Group\'s electricity distribution company has 31.5 million users connected to its network, which extends over 1,100,000 km across Italy and reaches more than 7,400 municipalities. The agreement signed with Proger is part of the network development and reinforcement programme that Enel has planned in the country with the help of PNNR funds and represents a major contribution to Italy\'s electricity infrastructure, as it will increase the network\'s resilience and make it capable of absorbing renewable energy production from decentralised sources. The ambitious project involves the construction of around 200 new substations and the refurbishment of around 600 existing ones. Proger will contribute to the achievement of these objectives by providing engineering services, environmental impact studies, permitting services, construction supervision and safety and coordination plans. There are four macro-regions in the country in which Proger will be active, for a total base amount of just under €7M, up to a maximum of €12M. “These contracts are the result of numerous successful activities that we have developed and are carrying out for several Enel Group companies, in the context of a sustainable transition process that will increasingly require modern and efficient network infrastructures\" Rocco Marsico, Director of Proger\'s Green Energy Business Unit, commented: \"I am thinking, for example, of the numerous renewable energy plants under construction, battery energy storage systems (BESS) and the first installation of a thermal energy storage system (TESS) in a thermoelectric power plant: plants from all sources and with different applications are all the more efficient the more powerful and adequate the country\'s electricity infrastructure is\".
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Proger involved in the daily supervision and monitoring of infrastructure works in Rome

/ A video to show the activities of our team, which is engaged 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the surveillance and monitoring of more than 500 bridges, viaducts and tunnels

A video to illustrate the activities of our team which, from 2022, is involved 24 hours a day, 365 days [...]
Proger involved in the daily supervision and monitoring of infrastructure works in Rome A video to show the activities of our team, which is engaged 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the surveillance and monitoring of more than 500 bridges, viaducts and tunnels A video to illustrate the activities of our team which, from 2022, is involved 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in the surveillance and monitoring of over 500 bridges, viaducts and tunnels in the major road network of the Municipality of Rome, which, with 3 million inhabitants and an area of over 1,200 square kilometres, is the most populous and extensive municipality in Italy and has the largest road network in Europe. Historic bridges over the Tiber, modern viaducts, underpasses and tunnels are the daily focus of the Proger team, which in the first 9 months of its activity reported more than 6,000 anomalies on the Roma Capitale portal, which were promptly taken up by the designated maintenance companies, thus making an important contribution to ensuring the functionality of the works and the safety of users and citizens. Watch the video
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Proger and Vaccarini architects unveil a new concept for educational buildings

/ A new school complex that is sustainable and open to the community, this is the design of the new 'Mazzini' secondary school in Pescara

Proger and Vaccarini Architects have presented a new concept for public schools: a ‘simple’ refurbishment of a school building in [...]
Proger and Vaccarini architects unveil a new concept for educational buildings A new school complex that is sustainable and open to the community, this is the design of the new 'Mazzini' secondary school in Pescara Proger and Vaccarini Architects have presented a new concept for public schools: a \'simple\' refurbishment of a school building in Pescara becomes an opportunity for urban regeneration of the block and the construction of a sustainable, student-friendly building. In two years, with an investment of more than EUR 6 million (EUR 5 million from an EIB loan and EUR 1 million from the municipality), a new school building will be built for the Giuseppe Mazzini secondary school in Pescara. The project was presented at a meeting with journalists and the school community attended by the Mayor of Pescara, Carlo Masci, the Councillor for Education, Gianni Santilli, the President of Proger, Umberto Sgambati, and the founder of Giovanni Vaccarini Architects, Giovanni Vaccarini. \"The project we are presenting today,\" said Mayor Carlo Masci at the opening of the event, \"represents a moment of great growth for our community, because it introduces a vision of an innovative school that has no precedent in our city. In fact, it is an intervention that, in terms of its construction characteristics, outlines a structure of great aesthetic and functional importance, capable at the same time of achieving objectives of eco-sustainability and environmental well-being for teachers and students. However, I would like to emphasise that in this project the future complex is destined to become an integral part of an urban regeneration process and not an \'alien body\' to the area concerned. I would therefore like to thank Proger and the architect Giovanni Vaccarini, our Councillor Gianni Santilli and the municipal technical offices, represented here by Giuliano Rossi\". The basic idea is to combine the themes and places of learning with the urban context and open spaces for park/garden education. Realisation of innovative learning environments with high acoustic, lighting and thermo-hygrometric well-being performance. Reducing land consumption and redeveloping the park to create usable green spaces that enrich the quality of life in the area and relate the school to the natural environment and landscape. Permeability and flexibility of spaces, usability of all environments also for functions related to those of the school and of interest to the community, such as the gymnasium and the sports field. The school as an example of eco-sustainability, with the aim of making the community aware, from secondary school onwards, of conscious consumption and knowledge of renewable energies (sun, earth and water). The use of renewable resources and the achievement of comfortable indoor and outdoor conditions will be visible and understandable to the users of the building. \"This project represents the first application of a new school building model, based on concepts that can be tailored to any educational need and urban context in our country,\" comments Umberto Sgambati, President of Proger. \"A new idea of school: beautiful, functional and sustainable, which is in itself a value and an inspiration for the children who will attend it\". \"The new complex has been designed to be the heart of an urban regeneration process,\" said architect Giovanni Vaccarini, \"under the banner of permeability and flexibility of spaces and the usability of all environments, also for functions related to school functions of interest to the community\". Deputy Mayor and Councillor for School Building Gianni Santilli said: \"The future structure aims to be a flagship for the Municipal School Building Plan that we are carrying out, as an administration, with my department. Personally, I am very satisfied with the whole operation and the smiling faces of the pupils and teachers present here today are the greatest gratification for me\". PROJECT DESCRIPTION Giovanni Vaccarini explained the contents of the future realisation and answered the questions of the students and teachers present. The new building for the Giuseppe Mazzini secondary school is an urban regeneration project for part of a central city block, bounded to the east by Via Regina Elena, to the west by Via Regina Margherita, and to the north and south by Viale Muzii and Via De Amicis respectively. The existing building, made up of three main blocks, was built in 1963, due to its age and the need to guarantee static and energy performance, it is necessary to replace the building. The idea is to concentrate the main building on the south-western edge of the intervention area in order to achieve some priority objectives Reduce land consumption Maximise the open permeable surface Identify a green corridor connecting Via Regina Elena and Via Regina Margherita, which can also become a connecting axis between the existing Lugi Illuminati school and the new Giuseppe Mazzini school building. Increase the amount of green space available for outdoor educational activities. The new school building is developed around a central courtyard typology, distributed on three above-ground levels, with vertical distribution ensured by a main circular double-helix staircase and a lift. This settlement typology allows for a minimum consumption of land. The body of the building consists of three levels above ground. On the ground floor, the body is partially vacant, creating a large entrance portico that constitutes the main access from Via Regina Margherita. The upper floors house normal, special and complementary educational activities. The roof garden contains spaces for urban gardens dedicated to outdoor educational activities. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNCTIONAL AREAS The ground floor is where the manned access to the school is located. From here there is access to the vertical distribution of floors and direct access to the gymnasium and the special services. On the first floor, on the west side (facing Via Regina Margherita), there are four sections of first classrooms, one after the other. The idea is to concentrate the groups of students per class, so that there can be moments of socialisation and educational exchange among peers. On the same floor there are three classrooms for special activities, in addition to the floor services. On the second floor, the four sections of the second and third classes are located on the east and west sides of the courtyard building. In addition to the floor services, there is a special activity room with movable walls and the school library, designed as an open space accessible to all students, to support the teaching activities on the inner courtyard path. The second floor also contains spaces for complementary activities: a teachers\' room, spaces for ATA staff and special services. On the third floor, the roof terrace is dedicated to outdoor educational activities. THE NUMBERS OF THE PROJECT No. 4 sections 12 classes 316 pupils 513 square metres of full-size gymnasium for volleyball matches 238 m² for special activities 40 square metres for musical activities 187 square metres for complementary and extra-curricular outdoor activities The project occupies a total intervention area of 3434 square metres. The covered area of the new intervention is 1260 square metres. The gross useful area is 2546 square metres. The open area is 2174 square metres.The permeable surface area is 2063 square metres.
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Proger joins Green Building Council Italy

/ The international network of associations promotes environmental sustainability in the construction industry.

Proger joins the Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italia), a non-profit association whose members include the most competitive companies and [...]
Proger joins Green Building Council Italy The international network of associations promotes environmental sustainability in the construction industry. Proger joins the Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italia), a non-profit association whose members include the most competitive companies and the most qualified Italian associations and professional communities operating in sustainable building. With more than 70 local associations, the Green Building Council aims to promote and accelerate the spread of an eco-sustainable culture in the construction sector at a global level, driving market transformation and spreading the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) protocol. Proger has been adopting environmental sustainability standards for years, including LEED, recognising the performance of buildings in key areas such as energy and water saving, reduction of CO2 emissions, improvement of the ecological quality of interiors, materials and resources used, design and site selection. A voluntary certification programme with which Proger has interfaced on many occasions, providing for design consistent with the guidelines of the protocol itself. Proger has for many years adopted environmental sustainability standards, including LEED, which recognises the performance of buildings in key areas such as energy and water savings, reduction of CO2 emissions, improvement of the environmental quality of interiors, materials and resources used, design and site selection. A voluntary certification programme with which Proger has dealt on many occasions, ensuring a design that complies with the guidelines of the protocol itself. On the occasion of Proger\'s entry into this community, we would like to mention, among the numerous projects carried out and LEED certified, the fit-out of the Diamond Tower in Milan, a building certified according to the LEED ID+C (Interior Design & Construction): v3 standard with Gold level, as well as the complete refurbishment of the office building in Piazzale dell\'Agricoltura in Rome, which will be certified according to the LEED BD+C (Building Design & Construction): v4 standard with Gold level in 2019. Among the projects currently underway that will use the LEED protocol, the renovation of the Allianz building in Corso Italia 23, Milan; the Law Courts Park in Bari; the new Tiburtino Hospital in Rome; the new Hospital of South Salento and the new \"La Comina\" military complex, all expected to achieve Gold certification.
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BESS: Proger alongside ENEL Green Power for the realisation of three battery energy storage plants

Enel Green Power has entrusted Proger with “Owner Engineering” services for the construction of three new Battery Energy Storage Systems [...]
BESS: Proger alongside ENEL Green Power for the realisation of three battery energy storage plants Enel Green Power has entrusted Proger with \"Owner Engineering\" services for the construction of three new Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), which will be installed to support Terna in the management of the Italian electricity grid, in light of the increase in production plants from renewable sources. Two plants are located in Sardinia (Ottana and Codrongianos) and one in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Udine). The project activities involve the supervision of the engineering design of the BESS service infrastructure and supply chain; the direction of construction activities; the management of plant commissioning and all project management and support activities. The assignment follows numerous activities carried out by Proger for Enel Green Power in recent years, including the recent installation of an innovative Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system for the Santa Barbara thermal power plant. \"We are proud to be part of Enel Green Power\'s national energy storage program,\" comments Rocco Marsico, Director of Proger\'s Green Energy BU. \"Storage systems like the BESS make it possible to overcome the variability and discontinuity of energy production from renewables, one of the main limitations of these technologies, by storing or returning stored energy on demand. They therefore represent a concrete contribution to the energy transition because, in addition to providing greater stability to the electricity grid, they turn renewable plants into more functional and competitive solutions\". Image courtesy Enel Green Power
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New Syracuse Hospital: the project entrusted to Proger

/ The proposal envisages a reduction in the design time to catch up with previously accumulated delays

The joint venture led by Proger – with Manens and Inar – has been entrusted with the task of drafting [...]
New Syracuse Hospital: the project entrusted to Proger The proposal envisages a reduction in the design time to catch up with previously accumulated delays The joint venture led by Proger - with Manens and Inar - has been entrusted with the task of drafting the final design for the integrated contract (with an option for supervision of works) for the new hospital in Syracuse. \"The economic operator,\" reads the press release issued by the prefect of Syracuse, as extraordinary commissioner for the project, \"was identified at the end of the market survey and the negotiation of the assignment conditions, including a 33% discount on the services fee, which will begin next 16 March and will be completed within 120 days (with a reduction of 30 days compared to the estimated 150)\". Taking into account the urgency that the Authority has attached to the construction of the new hospital, Proger proposed an improvement solution consisting in the implementation of both the final and executive design, with delivery times of 90 and 60 days respectively, which would allow for a further reduction of 30 days with respect to the overall timeframe envisaged and which \"would allow to partially recover the delay so far determined by the previous contractor and, therefore, to comply with the accelerating ratio of the special law (art. 42 bis of Decree-Law No. 23 of 8 April 2020, converted by Law No. 40 of 5.6.2020)\".
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Proger is responsible for the Project and Construction Management of Poste Italiane “Polis – the home of digital services” project

/ The project worth over 1 billion euros was presented in Rome in the presence of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister

Proger, in JV with PWC and Alcotec, is responsible for the Project Management and Construction Management of Poste Italiane’s “Polis [...]
Proger is responsible for the Project and Construction Management of Poste Italiane “Polis – the home of digital services” project The project worth over 1 billion euros was presented in Rome in the presence of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister Proger, in JV with PWC and Alcotec, is responsible for the Project Management and Construction Management of Poste Italiane\'s \"Polis - the home of digital services\" project, presented in Rome on Monday, 30th January, in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the mayors of the thousands of municipalities involved. The project, worth over 1 billion euro, envisages various lines of action. The first concerns the creation of \"one stop shops\" in municipalities with a population of less than 15,000 inhabitants. Resident citizens have easy digital access to public service, and this involves the transformation of 7,000 post offices by equipping them with a digital and technological infrastructure cutting edge. The second line of action, \"Spaces for Italy\", involves the creation of a digitally interconnected national network made up of 250 spaces for co-working, training and the provision of advanced services for professionals and businesses, to be made through the transformation of executive buildings and large post offices. The duration of the Project and Construction Management activities is 48 months, for an amount of tender-based services of 6.2 million euros. This aims at supporting the integrated management of the initiatives to ensure the technical, economic and temporal adequacy of the realization of the works in relation to pre-set strategic objectives. In detail, the group led by Proger is responsible for assisting and supporting Poste Italiane in the planning, management and control of the \"Sportello unico\" and \"Spazi per l\'Italia\" projects and the consequent real estate works. \"From an organizational point of view, the project will be divided into 6 geographical macro-areas with two Project Management Office (PMO) technical structures, one centralized for technical governance and one for the coordination of the customer\'s local units\", states Jacopo Benedetti, Proger\'s project manager. \"We will provide a pool of Program Management and Construction Management experts, at a national and international level, with a strong technical competence in the management of the process of carrying out construction and plant engineering works within complex, standardized projects distributed throughout the territory.\" In Saudi Arabia, Proger can boast many years of experience in the Program Management of KAP 3 and KAP 4, two national 6 billion euro programs aimed at the construction of hundreds of offices and premises of the Ministry of the Interior throughout the Saudi territory. Proger is currently responsible of the Program Management Office of Riyadh Art, , a 1.5 billion euro program that will transform the Saudi capital into an open-air art gallery, with the installation of over 1,000 works of art, making it an international tourist and cultural destination. “We are proud to be part of Polis, an ambitious program developing our country\'s digital services, which affects millions of people”, comments Proger\'s CEO Marco Lombardi. \"We know that it will represent a real challenge for all the players involved, but, thanks to our professionalism, experience and our partners we are convinced that we will be able to provide all the necessary support to Poste Italiane to win it, respecting the constraints and achieving all the objectives.”
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“We design the future”: Proger launches an advertising campaign with a spot that depicts engineering through beauty and creativity.

/ A Proger Smart Communication production, with creative direction by Anna Cerofolini and direction by Ambrogio Crespi.

Proger has chosen the splendid setting of Palazzo Farnese, a Renaissance masterpiece in the province of Viterbo, for its new [...]
“We design the future”: Proger launches an advertising campaign with a spot that depicts engineering through beauty and creativity. A Proger Smart Communication production, with creative direction by Anna Cerofolini and direction by Ambrogio Crespi. Proger has chosen the splendid setting of Palazzo Farnese, a Renaissance masterpiece in the province of Viterbo, for its new communication campaign. An imaginative story in which Luca Ward plays a wise engineer who awakens the interest and creativity of a beautiful little girl, representing the new generations called to \'design the future\'. The spot is signed by Anna Cerofolini, Art Director of Proger Smart Communication, Proger\'s communications company, who has developed a symbolic narrative around Pablo Picasso\'s quote \"Everything you can imagine is real\", in which engineering is represented by art and creativity, with a reference to the number five. Five like the orders of architecture in Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola\'s treatise, La Regola delli cinque ordini d\'architettura, the sides of the pentagonal building he designed, the company\'s core values, and five like the pillars that make up the Proger logo. Ambrogio Crespi\'s direction and Frame by Frame\'s digital effects made it possible to realise the ambitious creative idea of bringing Proger\'s projects to life and literally making them fly, to the strains of Puccini\'s Bohème, in the splendid setting of the 16th century building. \"Proger is a multidisciplinary engineering company that has been able to renew itself, grow and expand its horizons while remaining faithful to its values,\" says CEO Marco Lombardi, \"Tradition, sustainability, internationality, excellence and flexibility are our five founding values, the five pillars that we have decided to communicate through an advertising campaign that celebrates the Italian spirit, creativity and ingenuity\". This advertising campaign aims to highlight the characteristics of the modern engineer, who must take into account not only the technological aspects of his work, but also the environmental, social and human aspects. A combination of quality, sensitivity and values on which Proger \"designs the future\". Credits Production: PSC Proger Smart Communication Creative director: Anna Cerofolini Director: Ambrogio Crespi Director of photography: Antonio De Rosa Executive Producers: Natascia Turato, Valter D\'Errico Editing: Niccolò Crespi, Michele Saulle Post-production: Frame by Frame
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Proger adopts the Envision® Protocol for sustainable infrastructures

Proger continues to invest in the training of its resources in the field of sustainability: a first selected group of [...]
Proger adopts the Envision® Protocol for sustainable infrastructures Proger continues to invest in the training of its resources in the field of sustainability: a first selected group of company professionals has in fact acquired the \"Envision Sustainability Professional\" qualification, which certifies their suitability to apply the Envision® Protocol, the first rating system aimed at the construction and certification of sustainable infrastructures. In Proger, environmental sustainability has long been a key principle in the development of projects in all sectors of the company\'s activity, with a holistic approach and a long-term vision. A design philosophy perfectly in line with the Envision® Protocol which, to certify the sustainability of an infrastructure, evaluates aspects such as the effectiveness of the investment, the protection of ecosystems, climate resilience and environmental risk, durability and improvement the quality of life of the populations affected by the direct and/or indirect effects of the work. The company boasts several successful cases in the field of infrastructural sustainability, as in the case of the mitigation of construction sites on various lots of the Messina-Catania-Palermo railway line. From now on, it will be able to offer an even more standardized and structured approach, starting from the executive project of the Pedemontana Lombarda motorway under development, which will be certified according to the Envision® Protocol.
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New Hospital in South Salento

/ A modern, functional and sustainable hospital complex

Proger has signed a contract with the Local Health Authority of Lecce for the supply of Final Design, Construction Management [...]
New Hospital in South Salento A modern, functional and sustainable hospital complex Proger has signed a contract with the Local Health Authority of Lecce for the supply of Final Design, Construction Management and Safety Coordinator services for the construction of the Hospital in South Salento. An investment of 107 million euro for a structure much awaited by the territory, which will be built in the province of Lecce, between the municipalities of Melpignano and Maglie, and which will constitute a further acceleration factor in the expansion of the healthcare offer already undertaken at regional level. The group led by Proger, with Magninimo Ingegneri Associati, InAr, LAND Italia, Mirizzi Architetti Associati and Mr. Maurizio Mauri as health consultant, will develop the design of the new 370-bed hospital starting from the technical-economic feasibility project developed by the Mario Cucinella & Partners Studio Architects. The proposal was successful thanks to the difficult balance achieved, in the development of the design improvements presented, between the efficiency and functionality of the hospital on the one hand and the sustainability of the work as a whole on the other. Great attention has been paid to the reception of patients and visitors, to the accessibility of the structure and to the ease of identifying the different functional paths. One of the key elements of the project is undoubtedly represented by the new \"Main Street\", dedicated to public transit (out-patients, visitors and staff), which becomes the real \"backbone\" of the hospital connective system and place of entertainment and reception, with its information and orientation points, the bar-refreshment, the commercial areas and the lounges. The comment of the architect Piera Bisignani, project manager: \"Starting from the main street and retracing all the improvement solutions hypothesized in the various design areas, the red thread is undoubtedly the search for maximum sustainability of the work, from a social, environmental and economic point of view. In fact, unlike the pre-assessment carried out on the tender-based project which prefigured the obtainment of a Silver level certification, it will be possible to pursue a Gold/Platinum level LEED certification\"
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Monitoring plan for the ancient Buriano Bridge and 40 other works in the Province of Arezzo

The mapping and monitoring project of the infrastructures in the Arezzo Province territory has been launched. The infrastructures selected by [...]
Monitoring plan for the ancient Buriano Bridge and 40 other works in the Province of Arezzo The mapping and monitoring project of the infrastructures in the Arezzo Province territory has been launched. The infrastructures selected by the Province are being surveyed and inspected in order to determine their state of health and assign a class of attention. Proger, already responsible for the infrastructural monitoring of more than 7,000 bridges, viaducts and tunnels on the national motorway network, has been entrusted with this activity, together with Movyon, a leader in the development and integration of Intelligent Transport Systems solutions and a centre of excellence for research and innovation of the Autostrade per l\'Italia Group. A collaboration born from an initial experiment started a year ago on the ancient Buriano Bridge. The works in the Arezzo area are the first in Italy outside the motorway context to be inspected by Proger and digitised with the use of ARGO, the platform developed by Movyon in collaboration with IBM for managing the life cycle of the works on Autostrade per l\'Italia\'s network. The solution includes the digitisation of infrastructure assets, their storage in a database for the governance and control of data and processes, and the use of a mobile app to support field and remote inspections. The platform, built on the basis of the new guidelines of the Superior Council of Public Works, is integrated with the AINOP system, the National Computer Archive of Public Works, can be used in the cloud and is accompanied by training and assistance services. In detail, there are 44 bridges located throughout the territory that Proger inspectors are inspecting with ARGO. A precise reconnaissance that will allow the Province to better plan any maintenance work that needs to be undertaken, also optimising the management of funding. “We are pleased to make Proger\'s expertise in infrastructure surveillance available to the Province of Arezzo. Thanks to the specialisation and experience of our inspectors, we can assess the degree of safety of individual works and, consequently, the possible need for structural upgrades to ensure their full usability in total safety”, said Valerio Lombardi, Civil Engineering Business Unit Director of Proger. Presentation press conference. From left: Valerio Lombardi, Civil Engineering BU Director of Proger, Silvia Chiassai Martini, President of the Province of Arezzo, Lorenzo Rossi, CEO of Movyon
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Redevelopment of the former Sanatorium in Gorizia

/ Three new structures outlined by the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan to enhance community health care

Proger was entrusted with the design for the redevelopment of the former sanatorium in Gorizia, which will host a new [...]
Redevelopment of the former Sanatorium in Gorizia Three new structures outlined by the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan to enhance community health care Proger was entrusted with the design for the redevelopment of the former sanatorium in Gorizia, which will host a new integrated territorial health care system. A total investment of 40 million euros for a project spread over 13,000 square meter area and represents the first activation of the two framework contracts recently acquired by the company, in a grouping with InAr, as part of the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission M6 Health. The project aims at creating three types of structures that are part of the strategic plan outlined in the PNRR to adapt the services of the National Health System to the needs of patient care and standardize them in every area of the country. Specifically, this is a 45-bed \"Community Hospital\", which represents an intermediate step between the actual hospital and home care; a \"Community House\", an access point to the health and social-health care system; a \"Territorial Operations Centre\", able to coordinate home services and other health services. To accommodate the new functions, in safety and according to the principles of sustainability, the project involves the reorganization of the internal spaces, the structural adaptation for the reduction of seismic vulnerability, the renovation of the technological systems, the improvement of the energy behaviour of the building and the setting up of the park with green spaces and new volumes hosting small businesses \"The implementation of this project will give an important response to the territorial needs of proximity assistance and the so-called intermediate care\", explains Valerio Lombardi, Director of the Civil Engineering BU of Proger, \"Furthermore, we will redevelop an important historical pavilion that has not been used for decades\".
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Law Courts Park in Bari

/ An energy-efficient and environmentally friendly public area to serve the city

The commission for the Technical-Economic Feasibility Design of the Bari Law Courts Park and the Final Design of the first [...]
Law Courts Park in Bari An energy-efficient and environmentally friendly public area to serve the city The commission for the Technical-Economic Feasibility Design of the Bari Law Courts Park and the Final Design of the first functional lot was awarded to the JV led by Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, with Proger, Magnanimo Ingegneri Associati and Land Italia. The winning proposal of the design competition envisages the construction of a four-building complex intended for the judicial center, with 44,000 sqm of covered area, within a large urban park of 104,000 sqm, for a total value of the works of 252 million euros. The proposed four-building solution, instead of the six buildings envisaged in the tender basis, ensures the containment of construction time and costs and a limitation of the built-up area, to the advantage of the area to be used as a public park, which will be equipped with spaces for sports, play areas for children, gardens and community services, including a kindergarten. Architect Piera Bisignani, Project Manager of the assignment, comments, \"The Law Courts Park, located in the area currently occupied by the former Milano and Capozzi barracks in Bari, is an opportunity to stitch up one of the most fragmented territorial and urban areas in the Bari area, through the inclusion of an iconic project, a public area to serve the city. The project has been identified as a priority infrastructural intervention to be commissioned, therefore, the design will follow the stringent Guidelines issued by the Italian Government, which place a strong emphasis on the sustainability of the work and innovation in all its main meanings, themes, these, which have always been guiding principles of our company\". The Law Courts Park will, therefore, be an accessible, functional and flexible work as well as energy efficient and environmentally friendly throughout its life cycle, according to the principles of the circular economy. The design approach includes the achievement of nZEB (Near Zero Emission Building) standards, and the application of environmental objectives, defined within the taxonomy system of eco-sustainable activities and the DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle, with the goal of LEED Gold certification and potential for achieving Platinum, thanks to passive and active energy and water-saving solutions, the abatement of CO2 emissions and the choice of materials with a high content of recycled or recovered materials. 
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Inauguration of TES, the Thermal Energy Storage system for the Santa Barbara thermal power plant

/ World's first installation of the green solution to make power plants more flexible and efficient

Inaugurated the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system at the 390 MW Santa Barbara power plant. Proger was contracted by the [...]
Inauguration of TES, the Thermal Energy Storage system for the Santa Barbara thermal power plant World's first installation of the green solution to make power plants more flexible and efficient Inaugurated the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system at the 390 MW Santa Barbara power plant. Proger was contracted by the manufacturer, Israel-based Brenmiller, for project management, supervision, quality control, contract and supplier management services for the installation of the TES in the ENEL combined cycle power plant located in the province of Arezzo. The TES is a totally green system that allows to increase the efficiency of the power plant, thus reducing consumption and polluting emissions. In technical terms, it is a modular heat exchanger with storage capacity, by means of a mixture of crushed solid rocks, which works in an integrated manner with the thermal cycle of the plant by acting as an \"energy buffer\": it can store or return energy by withdrawing or reintroducing steam into the circuit that feeds the steam turbine of the thermoelectric power plant. In this way, the TES ensures more stable and, at the same time, more responsive electricity production with respect to changes in demand, thus increasing the plant\'s efficiency and flexibility. \"This project fits perfectly with Proger\'s approach to the energy transition,\" comments Rocco Marsico, BU Green Energy director, \"which cannot disregard an incremental path of optimizing current power generation systems with solutions that are technologically mature, easily installable and therefore sustainable from all points of view\".
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New Studios in Lamezia Terme: the project signed by Proger is in competition

/ Calabria Film Commission publishes the tender for the executive design and execution of works for the new film studios

Proger drew up the final project of the new Lamezia Terme Studios that the Calabria Film Commission Foundation set as [...]
New Studios in Lamezia Terme: the project signed by Proger is in competition Calabria Film Commission publishes the tender for the executive design and execution of works for the new film studios Proger drew up the final project of the new Lamezia Terme Studios that the Calabria Film Commission Foundation set as the basis for the tender for the preparation of the executive project and execution of the works. The project developed by Proger aims to create a real hub of creativity and technology, which encompasses the entire audiovisual product chain in a single complex capable of hosting national and international productions and attracting companies in the sector, creating locally new job opportunities. The heart of the project is the “Teatro di Posa”, with a 850 square meter area and a height of 9.5 meters, suitable for hosting high-level film productions and major events. In the immediate vicinity there will be a service building with dressing rooms, hair and make-up room, tailoring, tooling and storage. Another building, which consists of two floors above ground for a total of 1,000 square meters, will be dedicated to post-production, as well as hosting classrooms and the offices of the Calabria Film Commission Foundation. The complex is completed by the \"Technological Pole\", which will house the electrical and mechanical systems serving the Studios, large parking lots and an outdoor area dedicated to outdoor shooting.
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Proger will build Petrobel’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt

/ A 160 million dollars investment

Proger and its Egyptian subsidiary Proger Egypt have signed a contract for the turnkey design and construction of a 63,000 [...]
Proger will build Petrobel’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt A 160 million dollars investment Proger and its Egyptian subsidiary Proger Egypt have signed a contract for the turnkey design and construction of a 63,000 square meters building complex, which will house Petrobel employees. The works, which began in July, will be completed in three years. Proger, through its local company Proger Egypt, has signed the agreement for the turnkey construction of the new Petrobel\'s Headquarters (Belaym Petroleum Company), namely the largest Oil & Gas operator in the Mediterranean, owned by ENI and EGPC (Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation). The contract, prepared with the advice of the law firm BonelliErede Egypt, was signed by the top management of Petrobel, Proger and Proger Egypt before EGPC (Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation), EGAS (Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company) and Eni representatives. Proger Egypt is the promoter of the entrepreneurial initiative, which provides for a total investment of 160 million dollars, in partnership with important Egyptian companies: the Sky Investment group, co-shareholder of the company, Arab Investment Bank and Arab African International Bank, two leading banks in the country. This is a turnkey project that will be delivered to Petrobel in 36 months, after the completion of the works that started immediately after the signing of the contract, on July 19th. Petrobel\'s new headquarters will be located in the Governorate of Cairo, on the border between the two areas known as New Cairo and New Administrative Capital. The modern design of the offices complies with the highest international quality, safety and sustainability standards, with the aim to serve the operational needs of Petrobel and ENI managers and employees, with a total built area of 63,000 sqm. “Proger has been working in Egypt since 2017 with the local company Proger Egypt”, says Marco Lombardi, CEO of Proger. “In the early years we have developed important projects mainly in the oil & gas sector, in the Port Said on-shore plant, and then, following the multidisciplinary vocation of our company, we broadened our horizons in the construction sectors, with Project Management Office services for the Playa North Coast real estate project, and in green energy, where we are developing solar and green hydrogen solutions”. Lombardi concludes: \"Today Proger Egypt is a rapidly growing reality - with its Italian roots and a strong significant Egyptian component, both in terms of shares and human resources perfectly integrated into the business context: this is what creates value in the country.This has always been our approach to international markets and the signing of this important agreement confirms that ours is a winning policy”.
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Proger, l’anima di Riyadh Art

/ A video to showcase the Saudi capital's transformation activities

Today Proger is working on new strategic projects, serving the economic development, acting as a leader of multi-national teams from [...]
Proger, l’anima di Riyadh Art A video to showcase the Saudi capital's transformation activities Today Proger is working on new strategic projects, serving the economic development, acting as a leader of multi-national teams from all over the world, managing highly complex projects and creating a strong added value. The most recent of these is the Riyadh Art Program, which aims to turn the city into an open-air art gallery and make it a world-class tourist and cultural destination.  Riyadh Art is one of four grand projects being developed by RCRC that will collectively transform the capital into an environmentally friendly, sustainable city which offers the highest standards of livability and lifestyle, in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 goals. Proger is in charge of the Program Management Office of this civic art initiative of unprecedented scale, with more than 1000 contemporary artwork to be installed in 300 sites across Riyadh, that will spectacularly transform public spaces, create a movement for artistic expression through community engagement, and accelerate the development of its cultural economy.  In order to make such an ambitious vision come true, Proger has assembled a team of engineers, designers, managers, art experts and directors of some of the world\'s most important museums to work together according to the company’s principles of flexibility and excellence. Notable collaborations include the Civita Group, KPMG and Ilaria Bonacossa, as well as one hundred professionals from all over the world, each with their own traditions and culture, but all united by Proger\'s values of internationality and multidisciplinarity. With a video made by Proger Smart Communication, the communications company controlled by Proger, the spectacular work being done with the Riyadh Art project was visually summarized. Going into details, Riyadh Art is divided into 10 sub-programs and two annual festivals.  Sub-programs range from Jewels of Riyadh, dedicated to site-specific installations of artworks by world-renowned artists in the city\'s most important squares, to Hidden River, that is focused on illuminating the main bridges of the city and revitalising the wadis banks. They span different levels of scale and visual impact, from the numerous small playground projects of Joyous Gardens to the imposing works of Art on the Move and Welcoming Gateways, which will mark the most important infrastructural junctions and entrance \'gates\' to the city. To complete the overview, we can mention Art in Transit, dedicated to metro and public transport stations, Urban Art Lab, Urban Flow, Garden City and Riyadh Icon, which will give life to a new landmark in the city, visual symbol of the cultural aspirations of Vision 2030.  Then there are the two festivals, which are at the moment, the most tangible display of Riyadh Art:  Noor Riyadh is a citywide annual festival of light and art consisting of numerous public art installations across Riyadh, an awe-inspiring exhibition and a diverse program of talks, tours, workshops and events. The first edition was held in March 2021 and was attended by more than 300.000 visitors. In a period of restrictions it really is an impressive number.The Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium is an event gathering artists from all over the world to produce a series of permanent public sculptures. The entire creative process is open and accessible to the public with a program of events, visits and talks. The works will be on view at the end of the Symposium before moving to an open-air gallery that will be accessible to the public. To date, much of this work has taken place behind the scenes and is not yet visible: Proger formed a panel of experts consisting of figures such as Eike Schmidt - Director of the Uffizi Galleries, Florence (Italy), Cristiana Collu - Director of National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome (Italy), Director of the  21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan), Aric Chen -  Artistic Director?of Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (Netherlands); so far, Proger has involved more than 200 artists from all over the world; identified a shortlist of 170 world-class artworks and selected 24 of them for purchase, after a careful evaluation by renowned international auction houses and the judgement of the experts panel; Proger launched 3 international competitions, in which it selected more than 20 proposals and, finally, presented a list of companies that will be responsible for constructing and installing the works and whose activities the company will supervise during the operational phase.
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24/7 surveillance of road works in the Municipality of Rome

/ 500 works of Rome's main road network under daily surveillance for the next three years

The bridges, viaducts and tunnels among the main 800 km of the Municipality of Rome road network are subjected to [...]
24/7 surveillance of road works in the Municipality of Rome 500 works of Rome's main road network under daily surveillance for the next three years The bridges, viaducts and tunnels among the main 800 km of the Municipality of Rome road network are subjected to 24/7 surveillance by the joint venture led by Proger. In recent weeks, Roma Capitale has entrusted to the JV, which includes also Studio Speri and Bureau Veritas, the framework agreement (total maximum tender amount approx. 5.5 million) for the surveillance and monitoring service of the road works. The activities started a fortnight ago and the companies will be thus committed for the forthcoming three years. The most important works of the Municipality of Rome subjected to 24/7 surveillance – and 365 days a year – are 500. The inspectors will operate by means of vehicles specially equipped with signalising systems, video recording and GPS tracking and will carry out periodic monitoring activities with the support of technological tools such as drones and laser scanner surveys, aimed at creating 3D models of the monitored infrastructures. \"The structural checks and the surveillance of the state of our works\", states Ornella Segnini,council member for public works, \"are the main objective of the management and maintenance of the vast road network of the capital which, thanks to Proger technicians’ support, is thus able to update its database on road works on a daily basis, identify any problems and promptly resolve any critical issues that may arise \". In accordance with the ANSFISA technical guidelines (the National Agency responsible for the control of bridges, viaducts and tunnels), through an Operations Centre for the coordination of surveillance, monitoring and, in general, all engineering activities, Proger manages from its Roman headquarters the numerous technicians and engineers operating in the municipal area. An organisation of this type allows the Municipality to better manage the service, guaranteeing smoothness in the approach, planning and the possibility of keeping under control the heterogeneous infrastructural heritage of the Capital, consisting of historic bridges, viaducts of large developments, crucial galleries, and modern works of architectural value. \"Proger is ready to face such a demanding challenge - comments Marco Lombardi, CEO of the company - thanks to the vast experience gained since 2018 in the extensive monitoring and surveillance activities of the thousands of works in the national network of Autostrade per l\'Italia and other concessionaires\". It is an important commitment, in terms of continuous presence within the territory, number of works to be inspected and, above all, of great responsibility towards the safety of millions of citizens, not only Romans, who cross the streets of the city every day.
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Proger entrusted with the strategic planning of the port system of the Strait of Messina

The JV led by Proger and consisting of the companies Dinamica and Systematica was tasked with the drafting of the System Strategic [...]
Proger entrusted with the strategic planning of the port system of the Strait of Messina The JV led by Proger and consisting of the companies Dinamica and Systematica was tasked with the drafting of the System Strategic Planning Document by the Port System Authority of the Strait. The DPSS defines the development objectives and systemic planning contents of the port authorities; it identifies and perimeters the areas intended for  port and rear-port functions, the port-city interaction areas, the last mile infrastructural links of road and rail type with the individual ports of the system, the crossings of the urban center; it ensures a clear and unambiguous identification of the addresses, rules and procedures for the drafting of the individual Port Regulatory Plans. Proger and the other companies of the JV will have five months to prepare the DPSS, which must then be submitted for the opinion of the municipalities concerned, the Calabria Region and the Sicily Region and finally approved by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility. This opens a decisive planning phase for the growth of the port and rear-port system under the responsibility of the AdSP.  According to the Document, it will be possible to start the drafting of the Port Regulatory Plans for the ports of Milazzo, Reggio Calabria, Villa San Giovanni and Saline and the updating of that of Messina. Solutions to the many existing criticalities will be proposed in order to support the development of port activities and to ensure increasingly modern and quality services to passengers and operators.
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Framework agreement with Concessioni Autostradali Venete

/ Motorway safety: a new assignment

Proger is awarded the framework agreement for the design, safety coordination and construction management services for the redevelopment of road [...]
Framework agreement with Concessioni Autostradali Venete Motorway safety: a new assignment Proger is awarded the framework agreement for the design, safety coordination and construction management services for the redevelopment of road safety barriers on the sections under the responsibility of Concessioni Autostradali Venete S.p.A. In the forthcoming 4 years, the winning group, led by Proger and composed of SINA, Exenet and E2B, will carry out technical feasibility services, final and executive design, safety coordination in the design and execution phase, construction management and preliminary investigations for the activities concerning the various types of barriers. CAV S.p.A. manages the Venice motorway junction, which includes the A57 Tangenziale di Mestre, the connection with the Venice Marco Polo airport and the A4 Passante di Mestre, from Padua to Venice. In a more general view of the European connection networks, the CAV structures form a hinge within the fifth intermodal corridor at the junction point between the European route E70, which connects Spain and Turkey, with the route E55, which connects Sweden and Greece. \"This agreement is very important for us, first of all because CAV is a young and dynamic company that is also developing numerous projects in the smart road and safety sector\", states Valerio Lombardi, Proger\'s Civil Engineering BU Director. \"This further enriches our track record in the motorway sector, where we can boast numerous activities throughout the Italian territory for various dealers, starting of course with Autostrade per l\'Italia\".
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Proger continues wind farm development in Italy

/ An important agreement with one of the world leading companies in the eolic sector

Proger signed an agreement to supply engineering and environmental permitting services for the preparation of the Feasibility Study, the Final [...]
Proger continues wind farm development in Italy An important agreement with one of the world leading companies in the eolic sector Proger signed an agreement to supply engineering and environmental permitting services for the preparation of the Feasibility Study, the Final Project and the Environmental Impact study, aimed at the Single Authorisation (AU) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures, for the development of wind farms and related connection works to the electricity grid on the Italian territory. The client is one of the world\'s leading wind turbine manufacturers, with over 150 GW of power installed in more than 80 countries. The company, which is not limited to the role of wind turbine supplier but also develops wind power plant projects, relied on Proger\'s services to expand its presence in the Italian market.. The activities included in the agreement, starting with the customer\'s identification of the site on which to place the wind farm, are divided into various steps that cover feasibility analyses and environmental and landscape constraints in the area; the definition of the project layout and positioning of the wind turbines; the application for the connection to the transmission grid operator; the development of all the project documentation required for authorisation purposes and studies aimed at the Environmental Impact Assessment; assistance services with the authorities concerned and the activation of optional activities such as drone surveys and birds monitoring. “In the wind power sector Proger already boasts important contracts and completed projects, and this new agreement represents a step forward in our path of growth in the sector\" comments Rocco Marsico, director of the Green Energy BU. \"This is an assignment of great technical depth, in which the company is called to provide a wide range of services, as the primary technical/authorisation interface within the Italian territory and legislation, for one of the most important players in the world\".
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Proger is awarded the design of the New Tiburtino Hospital

/ An outstanding health centre that will be built on the outskirts of Rome

The JV led by Proger, and composed of Manens-Tifs, Steam, Inar, Studio Ingegneria Maggi and Suissemed, was awarded the assignment [...]
Proger is awarded the design of the New Tiburtino Hospital An outstanding health centre that will be built on the outskirts of Rome The JV led by Proger, and composed of Manens-Tifs, Steam, Inar, Studio Ingegneria Maggi and Suissemed, was awarded the assignment for the design of the technical-economic, definitive and executive feasibility of the New Tiburtino Hospital. The operation, worth 240 million euros, represents one of the most important interventions implemented by the public health sector of the Lazio Region. The new hospital with about 400 beds will be built near Tivoli, in the north-east area of the metropolitan city of Roma Capitale, on an 83,000 sqm area, which is strategic from the accessibility point of view, being it close to the toll booth of the A24 motorway and the railway station of the city. The project responds to the need of a new provincial reference hospital and follows the most recent strategy to locate the various health macro-functions in a single hospital complex, to ensure integration with the city of Tivoli and the surrounding area, serving a catchment area that belongs to as many as 28 municipalities, for a total population of over 200,000 inhabitants. The New Tiburtino Hospital is designed to accommodate the continuous change in health needs and respond positively to the issues of sustainability, comfort and well-being of users and staff. Therefore, a structure capable of reconciling technological complexity and the human dimension, so as to foster synergies and relationships not only between the various disciplines but also between the various diagnosis, treatment, research and training functions that characterize the complex \"health system\".
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Electric Vehicles: Proger working on a new network of charging points powered by 100% renewable sources

Proger continues its activity in the field of electric mobility with services for the design, authorisation, installation, assistance and maintenance [...]
Electric Vehicles: Proger working on a new network of charging points powered by 100% renewable sources Proger continues its activity in the field of electric mobility with services for the design, authorisation, installation, assistance and maintenance of new charging infrastructures fully powered by renewable sources. The electric vehicle market is growing at a dizzying pace and, as a matter of fact, the demand for new charging stations in the area is increasing. A surprising growth, not for Proger\'s Green Energy BU, which can rely on the many years of experience with hundreds of columns installed throughout the country for major companies, such as Enel X. Over the next 3 years, Proger will provide its services for the construction of several hundred charging infrastructures, with technological solutions ranging from compact ones, such as wallboxes up to 22 kW of power, to ultra-fast ones for parking areas on large communication routes, with 300 kW devices. With a view to increasingly lower energy impact, these latest generation infrastructures will be able to withdraw or inject energy into the electricity grid as needed. The detail of the services offered by Proger includes the preliminary inspection and feasibility assessment activities; the planning and management of the authorisation procedures with the interested bodies; the realisation of the electrical, mechanical and civil works necessary for the installation and connection of the charging infrastructures to the electricity network; the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions.
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Naples metropolitan railway network: Proger has signed a four-year contract for design services

/ Framework agreement with the Ente Autonomo Volturno for the network upgrading works

Proger and Ente Autonomo Volturno have signed the framework contract for the award of engineering and architectural services relating to [...]
Naples metropolitan railway network: Proger has signed a four-year contract for design services Framework agreement with the Ente Autonomo Volturno for the network upgrading works Proger and Ente Autonomo Volturno have signed the framework contract for the award of engineering and architectural services relating to the drafting of the projects financed for the Vesuvian Lines, for a total amount up to 546 million euros. The 4-year agreement – with a maximum amount of 31 million euros - was entrusted to the joint venture led by Proger (agent) and composed of Italferr spa, Hub Engineering consorzio stabile scarl, Progin spa, Crew srl , Gnosis Progetti società cooperativa. The signing of a framework agreement allows to make the most of the funding given to the contracting authority, shortening the times needed for modernization works and for brand new constructions. These works refer to railway sections, adaptation of plant systems and digitalization of the infrastructure, construction of new depots / workshops for the maintenance and arrangement of urban spaces and areas with interchange functions. The railway network of the Vesuvian Lines, commonly known as Circumvesuviana, extends for 142 km, distributed over 6 lines and 97 stations, extensively covering the south-eastern metropolitan area of Naples and is a vital point for the territory with its over 30 million passengers a year. This area has also a strong tourist appeal with breath-taking views, as in the case of the line that connects Naples to Sorrento, passing through the famous archaeological sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum. In this regard, not only has the group placed great attention on competence, experience and organisation, but also on minimizing traffic disruptions, both on the railway line and on roads interfering with the route, and on the mitigation of environmental impacts of the construction sites and of the new works.
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Environmental remediation of Assemini: two plants by Proger

/ Together with Eni Rewind for the remediation of the industrial site near Cagliari

Proger is working on two projects for the remediation of the soil and the aquifer at the Eni Rewind site [...]
Environmental remediation of Assemini: two plants by Proger Together with Eni Rewind for the remediation of the industrial site near Cagliari Proger is working on two projects for the remediation of the soil and the aquifer at the Eni Rewind site in Assemini: an AS / SVE (Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction) plant and an MPE (Multi Phase Extraction) plant. In recent months, the JV made up of Proger, Ecotherm and Sicilsaldo has been awarded two contracts with Eni Rewind as part of the important environmental remediation and naturalistic enhancement program of the Assemini complex, about 2040 ha included in the site of national interest Sulcis Inglesiente Guspinese. The subject of the contracts relating to the construction of the AS / EVS systems, in the area called Area Impianti, and MPE, in the Is Campus area, is the execution of the complementary process engineering; detailed engineering; procurement and procurement services; the supply of materials and equipment; construction and assembly work; pre-commissioning; supervision of assembly and technical assistance services, if requested by the client, during commissioning and start-up of the plants. These projects are just the latest in Proger\'s long-lasting and fruitful collaboration with Eni in an extremely delicate and highly responsible sector such as that of environmental remediation.
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Proger is awarded the contract for the design of the remediation of the Bagnoli coastline

/ An environmental remediation intervention of the beaches and the seabed to return the coast to local inhabitants.

Proger – leading company of the JV made up of RINA, Ambiente, Arcadis, Finalca Ingegneria, 3ba, DHI and ASPS – has [...]
Proger is awarded the contract for the design of the remediation of the Bagnoli coastline An environmental remediation intervention of the beaches and the seabed to return the coast to local inhabitants. Proger - leading company of the JV made up of RINA, Ambiente, Arcadis, Finalca Ingegneria, 3ba, DHI and ASPS - has been awarded the tender for the award of technical services for the design of the new coastline of Bagnoli-Coroglio and the restoration of bathing facilities through the removal of the fill, the reclamation of the emerged beaches and the rehabilitation and management of marine sediments. The procedure, which is part of the Environmental Remediation and Urban Regeneration Plan of Bagnoli - Coroglio (PRARU) managed by Invitalia, is in charge of: environmental investigation and preventive search for war bombs; works to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of marine sediment remediation technologies; final design for integrated procurement and safety coordination in the design phase; drafting of the specific health / environmental risk assessment for sandy shores and marine sediments and hydrodynamic modeling; optional works management and safety coordination services during the execution phase. The objective of such operation, within the new landscape of the former Italsider area, is to return the 2-kilometer coastline to its inhabitants, thanks to the removal of the reclaimed area (a platform built in the 1960s and consisting of one million of cubic meters of cement and waste material from the steel mill) and the reclamation of the north and south beaches, with the re-environmentalization of the seabed.
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Road Networks of the Campania Region: framework agreement for engineering services

The JV led by Proger – and made up by Progin, Alphatech, Geocart and D’Agostino Associati – has been awarded a three-year [...]
Road Networks of the Campania Region: framework agreement for engineering services The JV led by Proger - and made up by Progin, Alphatech, Geocart and D’Agostino Associati - has been awarded a three-year framework agreement with the Campania Region for engineering and architectural services related to the construction of transport infrastructures. The scope of the Framework Agreement includes a broad spectrum of interventions: modernisation and safety of existing roads and works; redevelopment, enhancement and completion of the road network belonging to the regional heritage. The services include all disciplinary components and design levels of an infrastructural project, such as preliminary, final and executive design, as well as field and laboratory support activities. These include geological, geotechnical, seismic and environmental investigations and surveys on existing works and artifacts, also envisaged through the use of drones, laser scanners, LiDAR and GPR. The use of these technologies and the integration of the data obtained is functional to the three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of the works in BIM, a design methodology adopted by the group. This approach allows to achieve full integration between the design and execution phases, optimizing the sharing of information and construction times. In addition, it will make it easier for the client to manage and maintain the works.
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Framework Agreement for the inspections of the A4 and A31 motorways

Proger has been awarded the framework agreement for the inspection services of bridges, subways, tunnels, flyovers, overpasses and viaducts along [...]
Framework Agreement for the inspections of the A4 and A31 motorways Proger has been awarded the framework agreement for the inspection services of bridges, subways, tunnels, flyovers, overpasses and viaducts along the A4 - A31 motorways, managed by \"Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova\" s.p.a.. The client assigned the group of companies made up by Proger, Sina s.p.a., Franchetti s.p.a. and Bureau Veritas Nexta s.p.a., the task of carrying out quarterly surveillance and annual inspections for each of the 653 structures on the two motorways Brescia-Padova and Valdastico. Over the last few years Proger has accumulated considerable experience in the inspection sector, starting with the more than 7,000 structures on the entire \"Autostrade per l’Italia\" network that are periodically monitored, and is therefore ready to take on a new challenge in the context of a highly congested stretch of motorway that connects one of the most industrialised areas of the continent from east to west, and represents an essential infrastructure for the economic development of the entire Italian north-eastern quadrant. A context well known to Proger which, in the early 2000s, carried out the project for the southern completion of the A31 Valdastico, for a total of 54 km between Vicenza and Rovigo, which includes the cable-stayed Adige and Bacchiglione bridges, among the most iconic works of the entire infrastructure.
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Upgrading of the Financantieri Plant in the Port of Genoa

/ Integrated contract awarded to Proger’s JV

The JV led by Consorzio Stabile Grandi Lavori, which sees Proger among the main designers, was awarded by the Port [...]
Upgrading of the Financantieri Plant in the Port of Genoa Integrated contract awarded to Proger’s JV The JV led by Consorzio Stabile Grandi Lavori, which sees Proger among the main designers, was awarded by the Port Authority of Genoa to carry out the \"upgrading\" of the Fincantieri plant in Sestri Ponente. With a total offer of 338.6 million euros, the JV won the tender attended by all the most important Italian construction companies. It refers to the construction of one of the most important maritime works of the last 15 years in Italy. More specifically, the \"definitive and executive design and the execution of the works relating to the adaptation to the safety regulations in the workplace, as well as the rationalization of the accessibility of the industrial port area of Genova Sestri Ponente\" represent the executive part of the Phase 2 of the interventions program for the construction of the new dry dock, capable of accommodating the construction of ships up to 150,000 tonnes, in the Fincantieri shipyard area. To achieve this goal it is necessary to remodel the operational areas (yards), for a total area of about 500,000 square meters, to adapt the seabed with dredging at an altitude of -11.00 m a.s.l. and to expand the area of the basin in front of the shipyards. This will ensure maneuver space for the 380-meter long and 50-meter wide ships that will be built there. Other interventions will be also made to improve the external and internal viability of the area, with regard to future programs under the responsibility of Ferrovie dello Stato and Autostrade per l\'Italia. The project is part of the \"extraordinary urgent investment program for the recovery and development of the port and related accessibility infrastructures\", worth over 2 billion euros, where major works have been identified for the development of the Port of Genoa. In this regard, Proger is already at work with various assignments, including the \"executive design of the new descent for shipbuilding use within the Porto Petroli of Genoa Sestri Ponente and the hydraulic arrangement of the Molinassi river\", a project that is strictly linked to the expansion of the Fincantieri area, and the upgrading project of the technical dock dedicated to the loading and unloading of oil tankers, in the outer area of Genoa\'s Old Port.
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Riyadh Art on Il Sole 24 Ore

On the occasion of the Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium in Riyadh Il Sole 24 Ore has dedicated an article to [...]
Riyadh Art on Il Sole 24 Ore On the occasion of the Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium in Riyadh Il Sole 24 Ore has dedicated an article to the Riyadh Art project, in which Proger \"present in Saudi Arabia since 2012 within several important projects, is developing the Riyadh Art program. This aims at transforming the city into an open-air art gallery and make it a tourist and cultural destination worldwide ”, as the article by Maria Adelaide Marchesoni recalls. Below is an excerpt from the article: Proger, present in Saudi Arabia since 2012 within several important projects, is developing the Riyadh Art Program. This mission is involving also Ilaria Bonacossa, director of Artissima, present in Riyadh on the occasion of the Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium, together with Cristiana Collu (director of the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome), Eike Schmidt (director of the Uffizi Gallery), Yuko Hasegawa (director of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa). “Such experience – states Bonacossa – began last March when Civita, Proger’s partner, sought someone with experience in international contemporary art to lead the art team made up of four people based in Riyadh. My role together with the core team of Riyadh Art is to be the facilitator of these projects. The activity is carried out with a specific committee with which I interact to select the projects that are subsequently proposed to the Steering Committee, namely the Riyadh Art Board of Directors. This latter is composed of Saudi managers leading the main institutions, from culture to finance, who decide which projects to carry out. It is a public initiative with open calls or by invitation... Read here the full article (Italian)
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New Military District “La Comina”

/ One of the first applications of the Ministry of Defense's "Green Barracks" project

Proger, agent of the JV that includes Arcom Project, ETS and RPA, has signed the contract with the Italian Ministry [...]
New Military District “La Comina” One of the first applications of the Ministry of Defense's "Green Barracks" project Proger, agent of the JV that includes Arcom Project, ETS and RPA, has signed the contract with the Italian Ministry of Defense related to investigation and drafting services of the technical and economic feasibility project, along with the final and detailed design for the construction of the new military district \"La Comina\", in the municipality of San Quirino in the province of Pordenone. This assignment is part of the broader \"Green Barracks\" program, which aims at providing new generation military bases that are: efficient, functional, modular, with a low environmental impact and designed to ensure suitable living conditions and well-being for the personnel of the Army and their families. The project consists in the adaptation and modernization of the current training centre \"La Comina\" to host the 132nd Armored Brigade Command \"Ariete\", which will move from the current Mittica barracks, in the centre of Pordenone, returning the area to the municipality, which will turn it into a green oasis for the benefit of its citizens. The sports facilities and training areas currently available in the 86 hectares of the \"La Comina\" training area will be expanded and integrated with the construction of new command, logistics and accommodation areas, for an estimated amount of work of about 90 million euros. The main works concern the construction of an operations room and some 300 workstation offices, technical rooms and protected areas INFOSEC (IT Security), accommodation for a minimum of 250 people, a multipurpose room with 500 seats, kindergarten, infirmary, kitchen, refectory, mechanical workshop, warehouses and armories, fuel depots, a helicopter landing area, a new internal road system and a new perimeter fence equipped with security and video surveillance systems. A crucial aspect, both from an environmental and safety point of view, is the diversification of energy supply sources, with the integration of renewables, to maximize energy resilience and mitigate the effects due to any attacks or calamities, ensuring the maintenance of capacity operational area of the district. Given the importance and complexity of the project, the Ministry of Defense had launched an extremely selective tender in April, focused on integrated and coordinated design, which Proger was able to win thanks to its multidisciplinary vocation and extensive experience in the coordination and construction of major works.
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FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit

/ Design services for the transformation of an oil tanker into FPSO for the ENI Agogo field in Angola

In November, ENI activated a first work order under the Framework Contract for Offshore Naval Engineering services, signed with the [...]
FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit Design services for the transformation of an oil tanker into FPSO for the ENI Agogo field in Angola In November, ENI activated a first work order under the Framework Contract for Offshore Naval Engineering services, signed with the JV made up of Navalprogetti, Proger and Fidema Group. The assignment concerns preliminary stability calculations, modeling and document review relating to a tender for the definition of a 1.6 million barrel capacity floating production and storage unit (FPSO), to be carried out through either the transformation of a 330 m VLCC class oil tanker or as a new facility. Specifically, the activities concern the creation of the oil tanker model, the definition of the capacity plan, the preliminary estimate of weight and position of the gravity centre of the future FPSO, the stability analysis in different operating conditions, the preparation of the hydrodynamic model of the FPSO, the creation of the hydrodynamic database (RAOs, QTFs, roll damping, stiffness matrices and added mass) and the definition of the mooring pattern layout. In addition, the JV supports the customer in reviewing the technical documents presented by bidders who compete in the tender relating to the supply of the FPSO. A new high-profile challenge for Proger that, after the numerous activities carried out in Congo, is once again alongside Eni for the development and production of offshore fields in West Africa.
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Photovoltaic systems for Autostrade per l’Italia

/ Proger provides ASPI with an ever wider range of skills

Proger has been awarded the tender for the architectural and engineering services related to the design of photovoltaic plants (1 [...]
Photovoltaic systems for Autostrade per l’Italia Proger provides ASPI with an ever wider range of skills Proger has been awarded the tender for the architectural and engineering services related to the design of photovoltaic plants (1 MW each on average) to be built on various ASPI\'s disused service areas. Proger\'s Green Energy Business Unit will provide the following services: final design aimed at obtaining the authorizations for the connection of the plant with the local energy distributor; executive design; management of the authorization procedures with the competent local authorities; management of the documentation required for the registration to the Energy Services Management Authority (GSE) record. This assignment follows a similar job order acquired in recent months and consolidates the relationship of trust and collaboration with ASPI, expanding the areas in an increasingly multidisciplinary perspective: Proger has in fact been working alongside ASPI for years in the development of its transformation plan, which concerns not only the integrated management of the life cycle of freeway works, from engineering to surveillance and maintenance, but also the creation of increasingly smart and sustainable infrastructures.
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New Framework Agreements with Anas

/ DG 190 Lot 10 and DG 181 Lot 6

Proger has recently acquired two new framework contracts with Anas: DG 190 and DG 181. The most recent assignment is [...]
New Framework Agreements with Anas DG 190 Lot 10 and DG 181 Lot 6 Proger has recently acquired two new framework contracts with Anas: DG 190 and DG 181. The most recent assignment is the DG 190 framework agreement for executive design services, diagnostic investigations and structural surveys relating to extraordinary maintenance works of bridges, viaducts and artificial tunnels falling within the Campania Territorial Structure (Lot 10). Proger is the leading company of the Jv made up of Progin s.p.a., Tecnolab srl and A.G.C. General Analysis for Construction S.R.L. which was awarded the 48-month agreement for a total amount up to 5 + 1.5 million euros. In addition to the organizational structure that guarantees the possibility of developing up to 7 application contracts at the same time, the group\'s proposal can count on several strong points, but the following stands out: the availability of numerous Proger professionals having the certification of \"Inspectors of bridges, viaducts and walkways\" level II and level III, according to UNI / PdR 56: 2019 certification; a forceful management and integration system for BIM design; the ability to perform surveys using Laser Scanner technology, combining traditional survey techniques with the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (SAPR, the so-called drones). In recent weeks, Proger has also completed the contract relating to the DG 181 framework agreement for the execution of definitive and executive design services for road works (bridges, viaducts and tunnels) with an indicative value of more than 100 million euros. The JV led by Proger - composed of SINA s.p.a., Progin s.p.a. and BRENG srl - was awarded Lot 6, relating to the territorial structures of Abruzzo, Molise and Puglia, for the duration of 4 years with a maximum amount of 14 million euros. Also in this case, thanks to an excellent technical-organizational structure, the JV can guarantee the simultaneous execution of seven application contracts with BIM methodology. Proger can also boast a long and fruitful collaboration with Anas, with which it currently has further framework agreements: in 2021 it acquired DG 159 Lot 1 (read the news) , for definitive and executive design services relating to works underground and is currently working on some projects activated under the agreements DG 43 Lot 4, for the design of maintenance and safety interventions, and DG 27 Lot 6, for the design of new works, including the adaptation of the motorway section of the Avellino-Salerno junction of the A2 Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway and the doubling of the State Road 268 \"Del Vesuvio\".
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Proger at work on the upgrade project of the Taranto Naval Base

/ An important upgrading of the main naval base of the Italian Navy

Proger has started the activities concerning the adaptation and modernisation project of the logistic support capacities of the base of [...]
Proger at work on the upgrade project of the Taranto Naval Base An important upgrading of the main naval base of the Italian Navy Proger has started the activities concerning the adaptation and modernisation project of the logistic support capacities of the base of the Italian Navy, Naval Station in the Mar Grande of Taranto. The company is the contractor of the design, technical and economic feasibility, definitive, executive services, including the safety and coordination plan and the environmental, geological and geotechnical characterizations, as agent of the JV made up by SWS Engineering, VAMS Engineering, Dinamica and HS Marine. The main objective of the project, included in the “Basi Blu” Program, is to have a port infrastructure suitable for the mooring needs of the new Major Naval Units and in general for the new operational needs of the Navy. The intervention concerns the construction of new docks, the expansion of some of the existing ones, the increase in the depth of the main dock, the construction of an operations room and service infrastructures, including the installation of a photovoltaic park to cover the parking area. This assignment concerns the Italian Navy\'s main naval base and, by encompassing port, civil and energy engineering, highlights Proger\'s multidisciplinary expertise and ability to coordinate and manage articulated teams of specialists.
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Proger at OMC-MED Ravenna

/ Taking a leading role in the energy transition

Sustainable energy, the ecological and energy transition and technological innovation are the topics on which companies (from traditional and renewable [...]
Proger at OMC-MED Ravenna Taking a leading role in the energy transition Sustainable energy, the ecological and energy transition and technological innovation are the topics on which companies (from traditional and renewable energy companies to producers of services and technological solutions for plant construction and distribution) involved in a sector that is increasingly at the centre of economic, social and cultural news will be confronted. Proger spa will be present again this year at the 15th edition of the Omc-Med Conference and Exhibition in Ravenna (from 28 to 30 September), the biennial showcase of the main players in the energy industry for the countries bordering the Mediterranean. Proger has been working in the energy sector since the 1990s, having developed transversal skills that apply to both traditional and more innovative productions. Overall, the annual turnover deriving from the design of plants and technological solutions in the energy industry is about 50 million euros, about half of Proger\'s entire turnover. The company employs around 300 people in Italy and abroad. The skills developed by Proger spa in these thirty years of work in the energy sector have been transversal, \"and make it a natural protagonist of transition engineering, an ideal hinge between the past that will accompany us for a short time to come, and a future that has already begun but requires time and investment to establish itself definitively\", as explained by Umberto Sgambati, CEO of Proger spa, who will be present in Ravenna on the opening day of the Omc. The skills developed by Proger spa in these thirty years of work in the energy sector have been transversal, \"and make it a natural protagonist of transition engineering, an ideal hinge between the past that will accompany us for a short time to come, and a future that has already begun but requires time and investment to establish itself definitively\", as explained by Umberto Sgambati, CEO of Proger spa, who will be present in Ravenna on the opening day of the Omc. The \"holistic vision\" built up over the years by the work of Proger spa ensures a present made up of projects on every side of the energy sector, contributing to the construction of more sustainable plants in traditional production, increasing planning in the renewable energy sector, investing with expertise in the field of \"green\" energy (from hydrogen to bioethanol). It is worth mentioning, on the latter front, the important experience of Proger in the construction of hydrogen production plants, both as a by-product of the recovery and purification of traditional refineries - as in the case of the Lukoil plant in Burgas (Bulgaria) - and as \"green\" production from the electrolysis of water, in the pilot project conducted by Enel on the island of Stromboli.
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Tunisia-Italy power interconnection project

/ The "bridge" that will connect the electricity systems of Europe and Africa

Proger, in JV with HPC (lead partner), IDEA Consult, ELARD and Plexus Energy, is responsible for the preparation of environmental [...]
Tunisia-Italy power interconnection project The "bridge" that will connect the electricity systems of Europe and Africa Proger, in JV with HPC (lead partner), IDEA Consult, ELARD and Plexus Energy, is responsible for the preparation of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) studies and a resettlement action plan (RAP) for the Tunisia-Italy power interconnection project (TUNITA). TUNITA, developed by the Italian and Tunisian transmission system operators, TERNA and STEG, and financed by the World Bank, is considered a Project of Community Interest (PCI) of strategic importance for the electricity transmission system in the Mediterranean basin and will provide an additional tool to optimise the use of energy resources between Europe and North Africa. The 600 MW DC ultra-high voltage submarine electricity link will connect the Partanna power station (in the province of Trapani) with a corresponding station on the Tunisian peninsula of Cape Bon via a 200 km submarine cable. The objectives of the project are manifold and aim to optimise the use of energy resources between Europe and North Africa, with benefits for the Italian and European electricity system in terms of sustainability, integration of markets and renewable sources, while respecting the Green Deal and reducing CO2 emissions. Proger and the JV are committed to the preparation of in-depth environmental and social impact studies, which are a prerequisite for the feasibility of the project and to ensure that all the works are carried out with the utmost care for the territory and the environment, in particular for the protected areas that are part of the Natura 2000 network, minimising the impact on the landscape, the coastal landing areas and the seabed.
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Remediation works started on La Martella waste treatment platform

/ The first step towards returning an important facility to the city of Matera

The remediation of the landfill adjacent to the waste treatment platform in “La Martella” began. Proger (in JV with Eng. [...]
Remediation works started on La Martella waste treatment platform The first step towards returning an important facility to the city of Matera The remediation of the landfill adjacent to the waste treatment platform in \"La Martella\" began. Proger (in JV with Eng. Barucchello) is in charge of the design, supervision of works and safety coordination of the intervention aimed at overcoming the EU infringement procedure, dated back to September 2017, through environmental impact mitigation works for each of the sectors composing the plant. The municipal solid waste treatment platform is located approximately 7 km from Matera and covers a total area of approximately 25 hectares, divided into 5 sectors. The first phase of the work, which is expected to last 8 months, will involve the relocation of the overburden present in sectors III and IV to sector V, for a total of approximately 45,000 tonnes of waste, and will make it possible to resolve the current environmental risk situation. On completion of the operations, the final capping layers will be laid and the revegetation and environmental restoration work will be carried out, with the installation of new treatment plants for biogas and leachate extracted from the landfill sectors and rainwater. The work will be completed within one year and the areas will be handed back to the municipality for its operation and maintenance activities.
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2020 Financial statements: Proger increase profit and assets

Proger’s economic results for the year 2020 are to be considered more than satisfactory despite the Covid emergency, as also [...]
2020 Financial statements: Proger increase profit and assets Proger\'s economic results for the year 2020 are to be considered more than satisfactory despite the Covid emergency, as also confirmed by the A.3.1 rating by Cerved Rating Agency: the 2020 financial statements show an increase in EBITDA (+ 20.10%), net profit (+ 15.75%) and shareholders\' equity (+ 12.5%), and a substantial confirmation of the turnover of 88.25 million euros, against a value of 88.95 in 2019 (-0.79%). The gross operating margin (EBITDA), contrary to what has happened worldwide, has had a substantial improvement reaching 12,54 million euros against the 10.44 million recorded in 2019. The Ebitda Margin (EBITDA / Value of Production) - which stands at 14.21% with an increase of 2.47 percentage points compared to 2019 (11.74%) – is particularly interesting to potential investors. Therefore net profit stands at 5.78 million euros, with an increase of approximately 1 million compared to the previous year. From a financial and equity point of view, Proger spa shows an excellent relationship between Net Financial Position (NFP) and EBITDA, both in absolute value and with regard to the sector it belongs to; given the operating margin achieved, the de quo index, equal to 1.99 compared to 2.60 in 2019, summarizes the ability to repay the bank debt in a limited time frame and in any case much lower than that actually contracted. Finally, Proger’s “book value” (shareholders\' equity) is noteworthy, showing a marked increase, amounting to € 49,136 million compared to € 43,681 in 2019. The positive results of 2020 are attributable to the performance of Proger\'s main business lines and precisely: Multidisciplinary Engineering: for the strategic role played during the Covid-19 emergency, by carrying out orders related to the expansion of healthcare facilities and the procurement of medical devices. Infrastructure: for due diligence and construction management and surveillance activities carried out for ASPI. It should be noted that this sector is currently booming given the particular attention the Italian and European legislators are paying to the maintenance of high-risk infrastructures (bridges, tunnels, dams ..).Green Energy: for activities related to the production of energy from renewable sources, biofuels as well as the energy efficiency of existing real estate assets.Oil & Gas: for the engineering and construction projects relating to fully automated drilling rigs according to which Proger\'s \"Stargate Rigs\" system is \"unique\" on the international market. In fact, the automations applied to the main components of the plant allow both to carry out drilling without personnel, by controlling the process from a control cabin and eliminating any risks of serious accidents, and to assemble and disassemble the plant itself, by speeding up transport from one field to another with significant cost saving.
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Transition Engineering

/ The article by Proger CEO Umberto Sgambati for Il Sole 24 Ore

We are living a historic moment in which all technological references seem to have been overcome by environmental, social and [...]
Transition Engineering The article by Proger CEO Umberto Sgambati for Il Sole 24 Ore We are living a historic moment in which all technological references seem to have been overcome by environmental, social and health changes, which ask for a rapid transition towards what is New.For some time now ambitious policies, programs and initiatives at various levels (from the UN to the EU) push towards objectives that seem incompatible with the times and ways with which, starting from the Industrial Revolution, technological innovations have occurred in every field. Now they invoke the urgency of a rapid, disruptive change, and it is not a coincidence that the adjective \"disruptive\" is the most used in the daily speeches about Transition\"! But the almost messianic expectation of the maturation of extraordinary innovation from now to 10, 20 or even 30 years paradoxically risks holding back the renewal of what is existing, physiological due to obsolescence or convenient on the basis of a technical / economic analysis, for fear of finding oneself with works, plants and infrastructures already outdated at the time of entering into operation or shortly thereafter (the \"stranded assets\"). On the other hand, the immediate deployment of technologies still far from full maturity would not be economically sustainable: obviously, it would not be sustainable for companies, nor even for the state, which would have to commit substantial funding resources (a film that has already been seen!) The combination of these elements risks transforming the Ecological Transition into a sterile race spreading evocative messages that promise ambitious commitments for the distant future. With the real risk that these commitments remain such or reach the poor result of improving in the short term and cheaply the reputation of those who declare them from time to time.  On the contrary, Transition is a stage race, where each stage is equally important because all together they draw an authentically sustainable trajectory towards the New, that will never be reached with a single leap, or with uncertain or too long steps.Deciding the number, length and duration of each stage; identifying and deploying innovative technologies that are sufficiently mature, and above all suitable for the national context; developing new ones, experimenting to make them available for the following stages; using the best public-private partnership tools, perhaps modifying them to encourage widespread use, to maximize the benefits and reduce the time and risk of this long march. To my mind, this is the real challenge of the Transition. \"A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress. Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born form the dark night. It\'s in crisis that inventiveness is born, as well as discoveries made and big strategies.\" Should we trust Albert Einstein (so often quoted in this period) we will live an extraordinary era, in which a development model has entered into crisis but a new model is still far away, and it is only possible to catch a glimpse of it : we are currently wading, and extraordinary opportunities are opening up. To still all doubts, the analysis of the document that constitutes the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, presented on 30th April by the Italian Government to the European Commission should suffice: 6 missions, divided into 16 components, each in turn comprising serveal lines of intervention (43 in all), divided into different actions. This investment accounts for 235 billion euros, between European loans (non-repayable and on loan) and a national complementary fund.Everything has to be planned, designed, authorised and launched in a very short time (no later than 2023) and completed respecting the time schedules, as well as times, costs and quality; and, in any case, by 2026. A very ambitious plan, due to the variety and breadth of the planned projects: from energy efficiency and redevelopment of private and public buildings, with particular attentiont to schools and hospitals, to renewable sources; from public transport and sustainable mobility to major road, rail and port works; from the intelligent monitoring of our rich building and infrastructural heritage, to the engineering for its maintenance, safety and prevention; from the digitization of the public administration and the health system, to the new frontiers of telemedicine and personal care and well-being.And many other projects, capable of triggering a virtuous innovation and economic growth process, as well as constituting an extraordinary competition for the best engineering skills in the country, which will have to produce an exceptional effort and do their best so that the numerous external constraints, as far as timing, technical and permitting issues concern, do not prevent the achievement of such ambitious and important objectives.However, the scientific, technological and management challenge that awaits us - albeit of an epochal scale - is not the only one, especially if we look at PNRR as the first step of the Transition. At least two others must be added: on one hand, of economic nature, and on the other hand of social nature. Let\'s start with the first. In order to establish a new development model, it is necessary to invest as many resources in new technologies, but it must be done by adopting specific tools according to the level of technological maturity reached. To quote the European Green Deal, this allows \"to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in all sectors of the economy, from the generation of electricity to the whole industry, agriculture, cars, buses, airplanes, ships, while ensuring biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources, without compromising economic growth, even increasing it, thus increasing \'the well-being of European citizens. Interventions - and incentives - unrelated to the actual \"maturation\" would inevitably lead to the useless waste of public money, without approaching the common goal and supporting few beneficiaries.We are therefore in the presence of an optimization problem: it is necessary to approach the project objective at the minimum cost - in any case very high - otherwise the effort would be useless, as well as unsustainable.For the economic sustainability of the Transition it will be necessary to identify the most suitable regulatory and financial instruments, making use as much as possible of the Public-Private partnership: the best engineering, managerial, entrepreneurial and financial skills must be involved (as is known, private capital in the current accounts of Italians amount to a figure about 8 times higher than the entire amount of the PNRR!) that are able to ensure the \'technical-economic sustainability of the Transition but also the perfect and pragmatic knowledge of the Territory, to guarantee projects tailored to real needs.In this regard, the presence and work of leading companies, well rooted in the Territory but aiming at international markets, which know how to integrate and develop the capacity and creativity of local excellences, will prove to be fundamental - and globalization requires it. This will ensure the leap in quality necessary to connect local players and the rest of the world. As far as the social order within the Transition project concerns, it is clear that the permitting procedures are the heart of the matter. In fact, such an organic and widespread system of measures requires the construction of works and infrastructures of all kinds: from transport to telecommunications, from energy to water and waste management, from networks - physical and digital - to interventions on existing buildings (for recovery and efficiency, but also for demolition and reconstruction, for hundreds of thousands of buildings - if only one property out of 100 were carried out, the interesting buildings would be more than 700 thousand); from urban and infrastructural changes in cities - increasingly smart and eco-sustainable - to the recovery of villages and inland areas, destined to become \"offshoots\" of urban areas connected by digital infrastructures and able to guarantee a different quality of life; from the redevelopment and upgrading of production plants to adapt them to new energy sources, to the construction of new power plants and infrastructures for the production, storage and management of the new green energy.But all these interventions - and the list would be very long - are today in fact hindered, if not even impeded, by a deep-rooted opposition to change; and this even in the presence of well thought-out projects, in compliance with the rules and the territory, as well as supported by complete and correct impact assessments. This opposition, often preconceived, must be faced and mitigated with a careful process of information and involvement that requires knowledge, transparency, credibility and intellectual honesty.This too will be a fundamental piece of the Transition project. The effective and efficient design of the Transition means integrating different skills:Not only technical, but also socio-urban, economic-financial, managerial, communicative, etc. All together, they must define and enable an growth path towards the New and identify the different stages, according to those technologies available and with particular attention to the territorial context. And then to be able to detect potential obstacles in time and to propose possible remedies, manage risks, analyze alternative hypotheses if need be and propose the necessary variants, quickly reschedule interventions to meet deadlines and budget. Last but not least, optimising investments, with the participation of private capital, as a futher guarantee of the ability of the business class, by naturally proposing fair measures for an appropriate remuneration. It is therefore necessary to design interventions that are concretely and authentically sustainable, which implement the Transition process step by step, based on a close and loyal relationship with the Territory, through the involvement of projects and local resources guided by the best entrepreneurial realities, that work according to guidelines defined by the public watchdog.  It is high time to Engineer Transition.
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Laying of the first stone of the City of Sciences and the Environment of Grugliasco, Turin

The ceremony for laying the first stone of the City of Sciences and the Environment of Grugliasco (Turin) took place [...]
Laying of the first stone of the City of Sciences and the Environment of Grugliasco, Turin The ceremony for laying the first stone of the City of Sciences and the Environment of Grugliasco (Turin) took place last 8th July. This project aimed at creating facilities for teaching, research, business incubators, as well as public spaces, for an investment of approximately 160 million euros, one of the most important in the university construction field in Italy. Proger is responsible for the design within the group entrusted with the works, led by Itinera s.p.a. and composed of Intesa Sanpaolo, financier of the project, Costruzioni Generali Gilardi S.p.A. of Turin, Euroimpianti S.p.A., Semana S.r.l. and Manens-Tifs. The campus will extend over an area of over 228,600 square meters on which the teaching and research activities of the Departments of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Systems Biology will be transferred; these will join the existing ones of Agricultural Sciences, Food Forestry and Veterinary Sciences. The new building complex, for a total of about 90,000 square meters, will bring an increase in the university population in Grugliasco from the current 5,000 units up to over 10,000. Adjacent to the area occupied by the Campus, the University of Turin also has an area of approximately 50,000 square meters on which to develop a technological and research area, the Butterfly Area, for specific initiatives related to economic development in conjunction with companies on issues related to sustainability. The project, which arises from the agreement between the University of Turin, the Piedmont Region, the Metropolitan City of Turin, the Chamber of Commerce, the Turin Polytechnic and the Municipality of Grugliasco, aims to bring together different departments in a single campus in order to develop greater synergy between researchers in highly interdisciplinary sectors, such as agrifood, green chemistry, renewable energy, advanced materials, smart products, bioeconomy and environmental sustainability.
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Doubling works of the high-capacity railway line Messina – Catania: Proger is also awarded Lot 1

/ Executive design of the section Fiumefreddo - Taormina / Letojanni

Proger, with Rocksoil and Pini Swiss Engineers, is part of the group of designers indicated by the consortium led by [...]
Doubling works of the high-capacity railway line Messina – Catania: Proger is also awarded Lot 1 Executive design of the section Fiumefreddo - Taormina / Letojanni Proger, with Rocksoil and Pini Swiss Engineers, is part of the group of designers indicated by the consortium led by WeBuild that was awarded the contract for the executive design and execution of the doubling works of the high-capacity railway line Messina – Catania, section Giampilieri – Fiumefreddo, 1st Functional Lot Fiumefreddo - Taormina. Commissioned by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – RFI (Gruppo FS Italiane), the project is worth 640 milion Euro. The project involves the construction of 15 kilometres of new double-track line, 10 of which will be in tunnels, between Fiumefreddo and Taormina, with a link to Letojanni station. As part of the works, an underground station will be built in Taormina, which will be equipped with all the most modern plants and safety systems. As for Lot 2, already awarded in March to Proger and the group led by WeBuild, particular attention has been paid to the environmental impact of the 40 fixed and mobile construction sites and their energy and water sustainability. The numerous high-tech solutions proposed will make it possible to achieve construction sites powered by renewable sources, energy optimisation in the order of thousands of MWh/year, a high level of reuse of tunnel excavation and construction site water and savings in vehicle emissions of hundreds of tonnes of CO2
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Framework agreement with NCOC for Kashagan offshore plant in Kazakhstan

Proger, through its local company Caspian Proger, has signed a five-year framework agreement with the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC). [...]
Framework agreement with NCOC for Kashagan offshore plant in Kazakhstan Proger, through its local company Caspian Proger, has signed a five-year framework agreement with the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC). The agreement, with an estimated amount of up to 20 million USD, concerns the provision of multidisciplinary engineering, project management and support services within the Kashagan onshore and offshore plant in Kazakhstan. The Kashagan offshore oil field, located in the North Caspian Sea 80 km off the city of Atyrau, is one of the largest in the world and is being developed and operated by NCOC, a joint venture of the state-owned KazMunaiGas with Shell, Total, Eni, ExxonMobil, CNPC and Inpex. NCOC is the operating company for the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement (NCSPSA) which regulates the exploration, development and exploitation rights of an area of approximately 5,000 square kilometers until 2041. The first development phase of Kashagan, known as the Experimental Program (EP), also saw Proger engaged since the early 2000s and led to the start of commercial production of the field in October 2016 and to the achievement of its maximum capacity of 380,000 barrels per day (bopd) in the first half of 2019. In the subsequent development phases, the field production will be able to increase up to 1.5 million barrels of oil per day (Mbopd). Located in a difficult offshore environment, the development of the Kashagan field represented the largest international investment in Kazakhstan to date and, in the oil & gas sector, the project is considered one of the most challenging in the world.
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Doubling works of the high-capacity railway line Messina – Catania

/ Executive design of the section Giampilieri - Fiumefreddo

Proger, con Rocksoil e Pini Swiss Engineers, fa parte del raggruppamento di progettisti indicati dal consorzio guidato da WeBuild che [...]
Doubling works of the high-capacity railway line Messina – Catania Executive design of the section Giampilieri - Fiumefreddo Proger, con Rocksoil e Pini Swiss Engineers, fa parte del raggruppamento di progettisti indicati dal consorzio guidato da WeBuild che si è aggiudicato il contratto per la progettazione esecutiva e l’esecuzione dei lavori di raddoppio della linea ferroviaria ad alta capacità Messina - Catania, tratta Giampilieri - Fiumefreddo, 2° Lotto Funzionale Taormina – Giampilieri. Commissionato da Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – RFI (Gruppo FS Italiane) il progetto vale 1,003 miliardi di euro. Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di una nuova linea ferroviaria lunga complessivamente circa 28,3 km nella tratta Messina - Catania che si allaccia a quella esistente prima dell’attuale stazione di Fiumefreddo per ricollegarsi poi all’esistente stazione di Giampilieri.Il percorso della nuova linea si sviluppa prevalentemente in galleria. Nell’ambito della cantierizzazione il progetto è strutturato su 60 aree di cantiere e 8 cantieri mobili per lo scavo di gallerie naturali. In questo contesto particolare attenzione è stata posta al raggiungimento del miglior risultato  possibile in termini di sostenibilità  energetica e idrica su tutte le aree di cantiere, fisse e mobili, attraverso l\'adozione di soluzioni progettuali quali l’ottimizzazione dell’esposizione al sole - per massimizzare l’autoproduzione da fotovoltaico - e dei cicli idrici tra cantieri mobili e cantieri fissi, recuperando il 100% delle acque di dilavamento.
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Proger with Gazprom in Uzbekistan for the development of the Djel gas field

Proger has recently enriched its portfolio of international projects reaching a new important milestone by signing a contract with ZarubezhneftGaz [...]
Proger with Gazprom in Uzbekistan for the development of the Djel gas field Proger has recently enriched its portfolio of international projects reaching a new important milestone by signing a contract with ZarubezhneftGaz Central Asia for the development of the important Djel gas field in Uzbekistan on behalf of Gazprom International.  Proger is in fact working on the feasibility study of a new greenfield project to be built in a desert area without roads, utilities and services, not far from the Shakhpakhty block, which will last five years and will include two construction phases. The depreservation of four exploration wells will be carried out will be carried out during the first phase, along with the construction of the first production line of a treatment unit (GTU) with a capacity of 150 million cubic meters of gas per year and the construction of a gas pipeline of 251 km \"Djel CGTU - Karakalpakia CS\" and a booster compression station. The drilling and commissioning of six production wells and the construction of the second production line of the treatment unit will be carried out in the second phase as this will help to double the annual production up to 300 million cubic meters of gas and 4,200 tons. of condensed gas per year. This project marks an important result for Proger in the oil & gas sector thanks to the know-how acquired in the last 25 years by developing complex projects in different countries of the world alongside some of the largest energy companies at international level.
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Framework Agreement with EDP Renewables Italia Holding for electrical substations for wind farms

Proger enhances its relationship with EDP Renewables, winning a two-year framework agreement for the supply of electrical substation design services [...]
Framework Agreement with EDP Renewables Italia Holding for electrical substations for wind farms Proger enhances its relationship with EDP Renewables, winning a two-year framework agreement for the supply of electrical substation design services for renewable plants that EDPR plans to build in Italy. Proger will have to provide the Executive Project and prepare all the documentation required to launch the tenders for its construction. The agreement, which follows the one for the provision of technical assistance services and supervision of works related to the development of wind farms and photovoltaic systems, confirms the company\'s experience in the electrical substations sector, an area in which it also works for other important Italian players such as Terna and Enel. The first project concerning the substation connected to the Fulgatore wind farm in the province of Trapani is currently underway. Proger will be responsible for the development of the executive project (civil and electromechanical) of the EDPR electrical substation for the connection to the National Transmission Grid (NTG) of the electricity produced by wind power, coming from 12 wind turbines with a unitary power of 3.65 MW, for a total power of 43.8 MW, installed in the Wind Farm. The substation will enable the transformation of the energy produced by the wind farm from 20 kV voltage to 150 kV voltage for connection to the National Transmission Grid (NTG) with 150 kV voltage. The user station will consist of a 150 kV operating voltage section, with relative step-up transformer, and a 20 kV operating voltage section for the connection to the wind farm.
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New ISTAT Headquarters

Proger, in JV with A.B.D.R. Architetti Associati, MANENS-TIFS and Studio VALLE Progetti, was awarded the final design of the new [...]
New ISTAT Headquarters Proger, in JV with A.B.D.R. Architetti Associati, MANENS-TIFS and Studio VALLE Progetti, was awarded the final design of the new Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) headquarters after winning the Design Competition – out of 17 competing groups – in 2019. The new Istat Headquarters will be built in the Pietralata area in Rome. The design strategies focused their attention on the relationships with the city and its flows, with the aim to contribute, through the design of public spaces, to a better overall quality of the urban environment. The project is characterised by “openness and permeability” criteria, allowing, on one hand, a great flexibility in the use of the facilities annexed to the offices – so that they can be shared by the community – and, on the other hand, offering articulated and modular spaces within the building and the working environments. The building structure will consist of a two-storey basement, intended for ancillary activities (entrance hall, library and historical archive, Museum of statistics, refreshment area, kindergarten, gym and conference centre), from the overlying 8-storey L-shaped building, intended for offices, and two underground floors, dedicated to parking and the technological centre. All enriched with a double square, namely a pedestrian square at zero altitude and the other located on a 9-meter higher terrace, which will host a “hanging forest”, open to the public. The project applied the best bioclimatic and energy efficiency strategies and maximized the use of renewable energy sources, providing protection systems for direct solar radiation for all the facades, accumulation and release systems of the accumulated thermal load, along with passive bioclimatic systems based on convective loops (passive heating and cooling).
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Awarded to the JV led by Proger the surveillance activities of the ASPI network works

Proger, in JV with Bureau Veritas Nexta, Tecno Piemonte and Tecnolab, was awarded by Autostrade per l’Italia the tender for [...]
Awarded to the JV led by Proger the surveillance activities of the ASPI network works Proger, in JV with Bureau Veritas Nexta, Tecno Piemonte and Tecnolab, was awarded by Autostrade per l’Italia the tender for the surveillance of the works related to the network managed by Aspi falling within the national territory. The JV led by Proger was first in the ranking of a public tender procedure, carried out by a tender commission appointed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, for each of the three overall lots into which the contract was divided according to the competence area of the Territorial Offices. Proger will therefore offer integrated engineering services regarding supervision and control, the execution of tests and instrumental, functional or related surveys - quarterly, annual or bi-monthly - partly \"scheduled\" and partly \"on call\", for a total of 7,385 works of art, including viaducts, overpasses, galleries and minor works. The operational organization foresees the activation of a Front-Office in close proximity to each of the Territorial Offices and a Back-Office for all coordination and engineering activities at Proger’s headquarters in Rome, which will ensure homogeneity of approach, planning and evaluation for all artworks on the network. This assignment follows the checks already carried out by the company on over 4,500 works throughout Italy starting from 2019, thus ensuring immediate operation and an already consolidated knowledge of the needs and problems to be solved. The tender-based contract has a duration of 3 years, extendable for other 2 years, for a total value of € 67,500,000. Link to ASPI’s press release
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Former Allianz headquarter, Corso Italia 23 Milan

/ Proger to work on the important redevelopment project

The redevelopment project of the historical Allianz Group headquarter was presented in Milan after being entrusted to SOM – Skidmore, [...]
Former Allianz headquarter, Corso Italia 23 Milan Proger to work on the important redevelopment project The redevelopment project of the historical Allianz Group headquarter was presented in Milan after being entrusted to SOM – Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Proger, together with its technical partners – BMS, Manens-Tifs and Systematica – performed the structural and MEP design, the technical coordination of the whole project, and the consultancy services, in particular with regard to environmental sustainability topics and to the relations with the institutions to obtain the Building Permit. Moreover, Proger has been chosen by Allianz Real Estate, owner of the real estate complex, to complete the entire design implementation phase, along with Construction supervision, Safety coordination and Construction management activities. The project will transform the 50,000-square meter historical complex located in Corso Italia – originally designed by Gio Ponti, Piero Portaluppi and Antonio Fornaroli in the early ‘60s – into an urban campus with offices and open spaces. Three buildings and a new internal courtyard with a garden will be the heart of the campus; the office floors, which are all open-space, will host central common areas; solar panels and new façade materials will considerably reduce heat dispersion; the introduction of green areas and the renovation of the outdoor courtyard, with restaurants, shops, and a co-working space will allow a deeper connection with the neighbourhood. All the above is accomplished with attention to sustainability concepts, workplace, well-being and smart building strategies, ensuring continuity with the original design. The project deals with all sustainability aspects  – environment, source and people management – aspiring to achieve the LEED/WELL Gold standards, through specific passive and active strategies linked to the climatic characteristics of the region to improve the building’s performance thus becoming an outstanding example of environmental performance.
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Proger’s capital increase takes shape

/ The first €13 million has been paid as part of the new business plan.

Rome – Proger Managers & Partners (PM&P) has subscribed and paid in full (€ 13,385,000) the capital increase of the [...]
Proger’s capital increase takes shape The first €13 million has been paid as part of the new business plan. Rome - Proger Managers & Partners (PM&P) has subscribed and paid in full (€ 13,385,000) the capital increase of the subsidiary Proger Ingegneria s.r.l., ensuring that the latter may in turn subscribe and pay its share of the approved capital increase in Proger s.p.a., of which it holds 67.9%. Proger will use the capital to finance its business plan, announced last autumn, with the aim of becoming more and more an international \"demand generator\" able to develop innovative skills that, combined with appropriate financial and human resources, allow it to invest in \"new projects\" in the identified country targets, building and promoting ambitious business initiatives, in particular in the Green Energy, Security and Healthcare sectors, focusing on a strong cross-cutting technological component, in line with the most advanced methodological approaches. The financial transaction was carried out thanks to a strategic agreement between PM & P - of which Proger\'s Managing Directors, Umberto Sgambati and Marco Lombardi, are the main shareholders - and Cadogan Petroleum Holdings BV, 100% controlled by Cadogan Petroleum PLC, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The industrial partnership between Proger and Cadogan will be strengthened by the presence of two figures, including the President, appointed by Cadogan to the Board of Directors of Proger, composed of seven members. \"This agreement\" declares the CEO, Marco Lombardi, \"offers both companies the advantage of potential operational synergies for the development of their respective activities and marks a further step forward in Proger\'s international development path which in recent years has recorded a steady growth in value of production (€ 124 million in 2017 ) confirming itself today as the non-captive number 1 engineering company in Italy\".
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Fuzhou Day in Pescara

/ A further step forward for Proger's Football Town Program

Pescara, Italy – Proger was a protagonist at Fuzhou Day with the presentation of the Football Town Program by CEO Umberto [...]
Fuzhou Day in Pescara A further step forward for Proger's Football Town Program Pescara, Italy - Proger was a protagonist at Fuzhou Day with the presentation of the Football Town Program by CEO Umberto Sgambati and the signing of a further collaboration agreement with the Chinese authorities. Football Town Program is an urban development project created by Proger that is based on Made in Italy and involves the construction of a new stadium and a football academy, surrounded by commercial, cultural and residential spaces.  The project is designed to be modular, replicable and adaptable for different environments and territorial contexts.   The event dedicated to Fuzhou, the largest city in the Chinese province of Fujian (7,600.000 inhabitants), has sealed the partnership with Pescara started a year ago thanks to the Proger\'s initiative, in the context of activities related to the Football Town project. The city of Pescara welcomed a large Chinese delegation of institutional representatives and cultural operators to the Aurum, led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the municipality WuXiaojie and the local MP of the Chinese Communist Party Lin Xiaoying, to celebrate Fouzhou Day with a day dedicated to artistic and cultural exchange and business meetings between Chinese and local companies. \"It was a good opportunity to get to know each other,\" said Mayor Alessandrini. \"A concrete exchange was created with the project built by Proger, the Foreign Centre of the Chieti-Pescara Chamber of Commerce and Pescara Calcio that was adopted institutionally by the Municipality. The agreement was initiated a year ago, and since then we have already had several opportunities for meetings, hosting delegations from China and receiving hospitality from the city of Fuzhou. We are always trying to create profitable contacts between our respective economic, sports and training sectors, with the intention of expanding the relationship to the cultural sphere to create a celebratory moment of such relations between territories as soon as possible\".
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The hospital in Lagonegro, Italy

Potenza, Italy – Proger was awarded the contract for design services for the expansion of the hospital in Lagonegro, Basilicata. [...]
The hospital in Lagonegro, Italy Potenza, Italy - Proger was awarded the contract for design services for the expansion of the hospital in Lagonegro, Basilicata. Our company is the leading company of the group, along with Manens-Tifs and Planning Workshop. The offer refers to the architectural, engineering and geology services, with related surveys, for the preparation of the technical and economic feasibility design, the final and detailed design and the safety coordination during design for the upgrading and safety of the Lagonegro hospital divisions, in viale Colombo. This contract could lead to the assignment of construction management services, accounting and safety coordination services during detailed design. The project involves: The construction of a new building block, equipped with an appropriate anti-seismic capacity, on whose rooftop the heliport will be built; The creation of an air and basement connection between the new building and the existing facility; The redistribution of the pneumology, cardiology and medicine wards, of the out-patient rooms, and the day-hospital rooms; The refurbishment of non-health services, in particular of the following: kitchen, morgue, pharmacy, chapel, “dirty” and “clean” laundry deposits; The arrangement of the external logistic services.
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Proger among the founding members of Hubruzzo

/ A Foundation to promote new talent

Pescara, Italy – Proger is one the founding members of Hubruzzo, along with L-Foundry, Valagro, Almacis, Honda Italia, Tecnomatic and Zecca [...]
Proger among the founding members of Hubruzzo A Foundation to promote new talent Pescara, Italy - Proger is one the founding members of Hubruzzo, along with L-Foundry, Valagro, Almacis, Honda Italia, Tecnomatic and Zecca Energia. This foundation, whose general secretary is managed by the company Carsa, aims at promoting excellence from the region of Abruzzo. The Hubruzzo Foundation wishes to: Enhance the excellent entrepreneurial system inspired by the principles of responsibility, sustainability and humanism. Narrate the industrial sector through entrepreneurs who have been able to “read” the territory, using their vocations at the very best. Promote responsible industry from Abruzzo in Italy and in the world, through the creation of a cultural, scientific, institutional, territorial and economic network. Develop alliances at national and international level, to nurture an exchange network characterized by knowledge, skills and best practice. A way to give value to the regional industrial system and attract talent – supporting international tenders, industrial PhDs, sector research – fueling a “glocal” business culture and building an industrial community that fosters the exchange of knowledge. This project will start with the completion of a first study about the “qualities of the Bank of  Abruzzo ” to be performed by  Fondazione Symbola, with the aim of  collecting, analyzing and giving shape to those who work for the qualitative transformation of the productive system.  
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Italy Algeria Business Summit 2017

Pescara, Italy – Proger is the lead sponsor of the ”Italy-Algeria Business Summit 2017 “, a major institutional and business [...]
Italy Algeria Business Summit 2017 Pescara, Italy - Proger is the lead sponsor of the \'\'Italy-Algeria Business Summit 2017 \", a major institutional and business meeting to be held in Pescara on 20 and 21 November. The event will be attended by the Algerian ambassador in Italy, Abdelhamid Senouci Bereksi, a large delegation of Algerian companies, members of the FCE (the most important association of Algerian enterprises) and Italian representatives of local institutions and numerous businesses in construction, infrastructure and transport, oil & gas, renewable energy, automotives, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, food processing and tourism. The appointment – which came into being thanks to the synergy between the city of Pescara, the Foreign Centre of the Chamber of Commerce of Pescara, and the World Trade Centre in Pescara and Algiers - will take place over two days with the aim of strengthening and establishing new economic relations between Abruzzese and Algerian entrepreneurs. This event is part of the initiatives supported by Proger in light of its commitment to act as a \"bridge\" between their own local companies in order to promote \"Made in Italy\" from every point of view, from innovative technologies and systems to products and avant-guarde machines, from design to cuisine, from tourist promotions to cultural and artistic ones.
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Presentation of the project of the new Pescara football stadium

Pescara, Italy – Proger has presented the masterplan of the new stadium in Pescara today, in front of the Minister of [...]
Presentation of the project of the new Pescara football stadium Pescara, Italy – Proger has presented the masterplan of the new stadium in Pescara today, in front of the Minister of Sport, Luca Lotti, and the president of the Region, Luciano D’Alfonso, the mayor of Pescara, Marco Alessandrini and the president of Pescara Football, Daniele Sebastiani. A new functional, modern and sustainable stadium, with approximately 20,000 seats, and commercial spaces, restaurants, services and a VIP box. The site of the new facility will be 10 hectares and will be situated in the area of the \"Pineta Dannunziana\" pine forest, which will be expanded and protected in the broader framework and major redevelopment of the surrounding area (approximately 130,000 m2), in the name of eco-sustainability and enhancement of green spaces. “This project”, declared Umberto Sgambati, Proger CEO, “prefigures and anticipates the needs of the facility and its surroundings in the coming years, and at the same time represents a great opportunity for Pescara. A stadium of these dimensions and characteristics will be, in fact, a focal point of immense importance, from an economic and social point of view, for the whole city.” “The project is so beautiful, on paper, that it makes Pescara dream” commented Minister Lotti, “and we must consider that today is the start of a quick approval of the masterplan and to try and start the works and the inauguration of the new stadium immediately, in the public interest”.
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Proger invited at the Fiera del Levante to talk about healthcare

Bari, Italy – Proger was invited to attend, on Monday 12th September, a meeting on new healthcare building facilities in [...]
Proger invited at the Fiera del Levante to talk about healthcare Bari, Italy - Proger was invited to attend, on Monday 12th September, a meeting on new healthcare building facilities in Puglia, organized at the Agorà of the Regione Puglia Pavilion, during the 80th Fiera del Levante, one of the main Italian and Mediterranean Trade Fairs, held each year in Bari. During the event, the general managers of the Asl of Bari, Taranto and Lecce, together with the designers, made a speech on the topic “The new forthcoming big hospitals” to show the designs of the two new hospitals “Monopoli-Fasano” and “San Cataldo” in Taranto and the current realization phase of the new emergency-urgency facility of the hospital “Vito Fazzi” in Lecce. Architect Mara Morelli and Doctor Diana Tamburi attended the event on behalf of Proger and presented in details the project of the new hospital Saint Cataldo in Taranto, the biggest infrastructural investment of the regional healthcare service occured in the Puglia Region in the past years. Proger has other projects ongoing in Puglia, region in which the company is a leader in the healthcare industry, being involved in the construction supervision of the expansion and renovation of the Polyclinic of Bari and in the construction supervision of the Lecce hospital Emergency Department.
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One year support to a vaccination centre in Congo

Pointe Noire, Congo – Proger has signed a partnership agreement with the Health Department of the Kouilou Region, in Congo, [...]
One year support to a vaccination centre in Congo Pointe Noire, Congo - Proger has signed a partnership agreement with the Health Department of the Kouilou Region, in Congo, to support for one year a vaccination centre in Pointe Noire: the CSI (Integrated Health Centre) of Mpita, a densely populated borough of the city. The project, conceived with the aim of promoting the healthcare of those communities that live in the areas the company works in, with the collaboration of local stakeholders and on the basis of the Country’s policies, is linked to the national vaccination strategy set by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Congo for the 5-year period 2016-2020 (Programme Elargi de Vaccination - PEV).   More specifically, the project’s objective is to contribute to the reduction of the incidence of the major endemic diseases, on one hand, according with Proger’s competences, through the strengthening of CSI plants and, on the other hand, through the organization and management of a customized awareness campaign. This will be mainly addressed to children and mothers: in this regard a prompt action is particularly important because it is decisive for the future of the country, and it will involve the surrounding population during the implementation phase of the program, by favouring the creation of professional opportunities for the local communities. Proger has been working in Congo since 2009 and, thanks to this initiative, it confirms once more the attention it addresses to the realization of sustainable, efficient and responsible social projects in those countries where it works, trying to positively impact the development of the hosting communities.
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Road ‘Pedemontana Aspromonte Tirrenico’

Reggio Calabria, Italy – Proger has been awarded, together with the company Cosedil S.p.A., with the detailed design and works [...]
Road ‘Pedemontana Aspromonte Tirrenico’ Reggio Calabria, Italy - Proger has been awarded, together with the company Cosedil S.p.A., with the detailed design and works execution on the basis of the final design of the road Pedemontana dell’Aspromonte Tirrenico, linking the mountain municipalities of Cinquefrondi, San Giorgio Morgeto and Cittanova (province of Reggio Calabria), connecting the former main road 111 and the “Strada di Grande Comunicazione” crossing the ridge between the Ionian coast and the Plains of Rosarno.   With reference to the project, one of the main aspects of the technical offer developed during the tender stage referred to the operating process proposed for the completion of the viaducts structures partially built and abandoned between the \'80s and the \'90s. In this regard, due to the poor knowledge of the types of underpinning already built, of the mechanical characteristics of the concrete and of the reinforcement rods at its inside, Proger has proposed the abandon of the existing substructures and the realization of brand new works for three out of four viaducts of the section. As per the Macario viaduct, the most important of the lot, the reuse of the existing piers and abutments has been studied, after the optimization of the design of dosserets, which will be lighter because fully in steel. This solution ensures a general behaviour of the viaducts in case of seismic events, a longer overall lastingness, better safety and a clear simplification for the construction stages. Finally, the offer has been completed with some technical improvements and with the identification of a series of additional interventions in the territories of the surrounding Municipalities, in order to benefit road users and to emphasize the territory.
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Proger joins the World Trade Centers Association

Pescara, Italy – Proger has signed an agreement for the acquisition of the 49% of the World Trade Center Pescara/Chieti, [...]
Proger joins the World Trade Centers Association Pescara, Italy - Proger has signed an agreement for the acquisition of the 49% of the World Trade Center Pescara/Chieti, joining the main worldwide independent association for the international trade. The World Trade Centers Association, established in New York in 1970, has more than 300 WTCs in 100 countries worldwide, which work to offer trade services to the companies of their territories. Thanks to the know-how gained in 60 years of experience at international level, the company will support the WTC Pescara/Chieti in the commercial, promotional, logistic and consulting activities to the companies wishing to work abroad. This agreement strengthens the international nature of the company and reinforces the bond between Proger and Abruzzo, kept and constantly increased through the promotion of local projects and activities. Being part of the World Trade Center Pescara/Chieti is for Proger - always engaged in the development of global networks for the creation of new business opportunities - a great value opportunity to explore new markets and identify different development strategies. At the same time, for the WTC Pescara/Chieti, the entry of our company is a structural consolidation and an important enhancement within the regional excellence basin it represents globally.
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New Wholesale Market in Milan

Milan, Italy – Proger has concluded the preparation activity of the Feasibility Study of the New “Ortomercato” in Milan, after [...]
New Wholesale Market in Milan Milan, Italy - Proger has concluded the preparation activity of the Feasibility Study of the New “Ortomercato” in Milan, after winning a year ago - in Temporary Business Association with ABDR, Systematica, KPMG, Idea eng. and Avalon - the international competition of ideas organized by SO.GE.MI S.p.A. for the redesign of the biggest fruit-and-vegetable wholesale market in Italy, which covers an area of 490.000 sq.m. Designed as a logical reorganization of the spaces currently used for the trade of fruit and vegetable and as the requalification of the nearby areas dedicated to complementary activities, Pa.S.T.A., the first Agri-food Scientific and Technological Park in Milan, has been well conceived: an experimental centre, with a sustainable approach, based on agri-technology, scientific innovation and research applied to the agri-food sector. As far as the project, in these months Proger has regularly flanked SO.GE.M.I. as technical advisor, even during the meetings with the Market operators and the Municipality of Milan. Thanks to its ten-year experience in the logistics sector, the company was in charge of all the engineering activities and has coordinated the various specialized aspects through in-depth verifications both of the technical profiles (engineering, energy, environmental, transportation, architectural and town-planning) and, in collaboration with KPMG, of the financial-economic scenarios aimed at assessing the complex feasibility of the initiative.
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