
Proger’s international experience on the stage of the LUISS Business School 

At the event 'Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finances', CEO Marco Lombardi shared the company's recent successes and difficulties due to the changing geopolitical scenario

Marco Lombardi, CEO of Proger, participated in the event “Internationalisation: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Finance” organised by LUISS Business School. During his speech, he discussed how geopolitical tensions are changing rules, stakeholders and financiers, affecting the development of international projects. Lombardi highlighted Proger’s extensive international experience, having worked successfully in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia for over 20 years.

One of the key projects Lombardi presented was the new Petrobel headquarters in Egypt, a $160 million real estate initiative where Proger acted as both developer and general contractor. Faced with the challenge of securing adequate financing in Italy, Proger received support from the Arab Investment Bank. Lombardi stressed how Proger had to navigate and overcome many financial and bureaucratic challenges to realise this project.

Lombardi also gave an example related to Russia, where Proger had a local subsidiary and was developing a project for a Russian oil company prior to the Ukraine conflict. Due to international sanctions, Proger was unable to receive payment of more than €17 million, despite having delivered the necessary materials. This episode underlined the difficulties faced by Italian companies in the current geopolitical context.

Mr Lombardi concluded by stressing the importance of events such as this in promoting cooperation. He thanked Simest for its support, which has contributed significantly to Proger’s growth. He emphasised the need for greater cooperation between the private sector and Italian institutions to support the growth and internationalisation of Italian companies. According to Lombardi, it is crucial to strengthen political and financial support, working together to improve the competitiveness of the country’s system.