Proger was the main sponsor of the just concluded 12th edition of Start Impresa, the free specialised training course for the development of new entrepreneurship promoted by Confindustria Chieti Pescara.
During the closing ceremony, President Umberto Sgambati awarded the first prize to the winning project ‘Energy Community of Valle Foro’ by Joseph Balerna, focused on the production of class A1 pellets (ecological and sustainable) and on the integration of two classes of renewable energy, solar and biomass (wood chips from beech wood). Sgambati also presented finalist Regina Nardini with the ‘Sonia Pantoli’ special prize, the other prize offered by Proger and dedicated to the brilliant young colleague who died prematurely a few years ago.
President Sgambati’s comment: “We support Start Impresa because it accompanies the young, and even the not-so-young, who decide to invest with courage and passion in their ideas to become protagonists of the future. The same spirit with which we face our challenges at Proger“.