

BESS: Proger alongside ENEL Green Power for the realisation of three battery energy storage plants

18 Apr

Enel Green Power has entrusted Proger with “Owner Engineering” services for the construction of three new Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), which will be installed to support Terna in the management of the Italian electricity grid, in light of the increase in production plants from renewable sources. Two plants are located in Sardinia (Ottana and […]

Energy efficiency for Wegh industrial group

6 Feb

Proger continues to expand its range of services in the field of Green Energy and sustainability with a turnkey energy efficiency program for Wegh Group, an Italian excellence in the railway industry.  On the strength of its extensive experience in process engineering and after numerous energy upgrades of residential buildings, Proger was chosen by Wegh […]

Proger continues wind farm development in Italy

11 May

Proger signed an agreement to supply engineering and environmental permitting services for the preparation of the Feasibility Study, the Final Project and the Environmental Impact study, aimed at the Single Authorisation (AU) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures, for the development of wind farms and related connection works to the electricity grid on the Italian […]

Enel Green Power chooses Proger for Photovoltaic projects in Europe

21 Dec

Enel Green Power has chosen Proger for the development of photovoltaic systems throughout Europe, entrusting it with the role of “Owner Engineering Services for Enel Green Power projects in the European Region”. Contract duration is two years with the possibility of extending it to a third year. The design activities concern all the service infrastructures: power lines, substations, structures and transformer stations and […]

Proger at OMC-MED Ravenna

27 Sep

Sustainable energy, the ecological and energy transition and technological innovation are the topics on which companies (from traditional and renewable energy companies to producers of services and technological solutions for plant construction and distribution) involved in a sector that is increasingly at the centre of economic, social and cultural news will be confronted. Proger spa […]

Framework Agreement with EDP Renewables Italia Holding for electrical substations for wind farms

23 Feb

Proger enhances its relationship with EDP Renewables, winning a two-year framework agreement for the supply of electrical substation design services for renewable plants that EDPR plans to build in Italy. Proger will have to provide the Executive Project and prepare all the documentation required to launch the tenders for its construction. The agreement, which follows […]

AWARE Project: CEO Lombardi interview with the press agency DiRE

16 Feb

Roma – Solar panels to produce energy, pumps to extract water from underground aquifers, betting then on agriculture, with advanced irrigation systems. It is the scheme of ‘Aware’, an initiative that Proger is promoting in the Republic of Congo. The intervention, which has started in recent weeks, has been reported to the agency ‘Dire’ by […]

Proger presents the AWARE project for Africa

2 Dec

Rome, Italy – CEO Marco Lombardi presents the project for Africa “AWARE – Adaptable Water Access & Renewable Energy”, during the event “La Fabbrica dei Leader” (Factory of Leaders), organized by Indexway. Proger designed a sustainable water and energy management program, which aims at providing energy and water supply for small-scale agricultural production and for farmhouses and […]