Proger has been honored at the Credit Reputation Awards as a TOP Investment Grade company, with a rating that places it at the top of the scale prepared by Standard & Poor, for achieving outstanding results in reliability, punctuality and conscientious management of relations with the banking and financial system.
The award was conferred by MF Centralerisk, a market leader in the analysis and monitoring of data reported by financial intermediaries to the Centrale Rischi (CR) of the Bank of Italy. The event was sponsored by the most important management and professional associations in the financial sector, such as ACEF (Associazione Culturale Economia e Finanza) and AITI (Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d’Impresa), always committed to promoting a sustainable and ethical financial culture.
Held in a prestigious location in Milan, in the presence of banks, investment funds and the press, the event was reserved for the companies that, divided according to Nielsen area and turnover class, emerged as winners of the “CR Award”, based on the analysis of the surveys conducted by the Bank of Italy’s Centrale Rischi, in the period January – December 2023, among the candidates with a rating between AAA and BBB investment grade.
Proger’s award was accepted by Laura Florio, Chief Treasury & Risk Management Officer, who said at the award ceremony: “I am delighted that Proger has received such an important recognition, which confirms its undisputed ability to provide complex and high-tech engineering services at an international level, always in accordance with the principles of cost-effectiveness and financial reliability for the achievement of significant levels of profitability, soundness and long-term persistence”.