Proger has obtained gender equality certification, confirming its commitment to promoting and protecting diversity and equal opportunities in its working environment. The recognition, which complies with UNI/PdR 125:2022 standards, is a new step in the path outlined in the company’s three-year strategic plan, following the SA8000 Social Accountability certification obtained in September 2023.
“We are proud of this result, which rewards our commitment and the great attention that Proger has always paid to respecting human rights and supporting the values of diversity, inclusion and gender equality, reflecting these principles in its processes inside and outside the company,” says Sabina Cuccia, operations manager of the certification process. “DNV, an international leader in this field, has certified the consistency of our activities based on an assessment process consisting of six key indicators, such as culture and strategy; governance; HR processes; opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company; gender pay equity; parental protection and work-life balance”.
In accordance with the guidelines of the reference practice PdR 125:2022, Proger is therefore committed to implementing and measuring initiatives to improve gender equality and the well-being of its resources and their families: creating an inclusive working environment; ensuring non-discrimination and equal opportunities in recruitment, remuneration and professional and career development; supporting employees in parental and caring activities; promoting work-life balance; committing to prevent, with zero tolerance, all forms of harassment in the workplace.