The construction site for the energy efficiency of the Largo Catallo 1/11 condominium in Pisa, consisting of 51 residential real estate units, was inaugurated. Proger has designed and is currently carrying out the thermal insulation interventions of opaque structures, the replacement of fixtures and the installation of photovoltaic systems equipped with energy accumulators. As an additional benefit with a high technological and environmental value, recharging infrastructures will be created for electric vehicles, a sector in which Proger has extensive experience with hundreds of columns built for Enel X.
Thanks to the Green Energy Business Unit, Proger has been active for years in the energy efficiency sector of residential and industrial properties and, given this experience, has seized the opportunity offered by the introduction of the 110% Superbonus to build a highly competitive offer called EcoDomus.
The one in Pisa is one of the 500 large residential complexes that are part of Proger’s EcoDomus pipeline which, to date, can boast a portfolio worth around 50 million euros.